Galaxy | Tool Preview

cap3 (version 1.2.0)
Input sequences to assemble
-o option. must be > 15. 40 by default
-p option. must be > 65. 90 by default

What it does

This tool is a CAP3 wrapper developed for the visitor2 set of worflows

Under this conditions, it takes as input a set of blast hits in fasta format and performs CAP3 assembly on these sequences

Standard CAP3 outputs (Standard Output, Contigs Qual, Contigs Link, Ace and Info) are kept hidden in the Galaxy history (feel free to reveal these hidden datasets).

Standard CAP3 outputs Contigs and Singlets are returned in the history, as well as a merge of these two datasets (Contigs and singlets)


This Galaxy tool makes use of the package_cap3_3 Galaxy package developed by jjohnson.

It is Copyright © 2014-2015 CNRS and University Pierre et Marie Curie and is released under the MIT license.