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alimask (version 0.1.0)
in Stockholm, Clustal, or Fasta format. While this tool accepts fasta, please ensure that the sequences are not unaligned
Model Ranges
Model Ranges 0
HMMER infers fragments if the sequence length L is less than or equal to a fraction x times the alignment length in columns (--fragthresh)

What it does

alimask is used to apply a mask line to a multiple sequence alignment, based on provided alignment or model coordinates. When hmmbuild receives a masked alignment as input, it produces a profile model in which the emission probabilities at masked positions are set to match the background frequency, rather than being set based on observed frequencies in the alignment. Position-specific insertion and deletion rates are not altered, even in masked regions. alimask autodetects input format, and produces masked alignments in Stockholm format. <msafile> may contain only one sequence alignment.

A common motivation for masking a region in an alignment is that the region contains a simple tandem repeat that is observed to cause an unacceptably high rate of false positive hits.

In the simplest case, a mask range is given in coordinates relative to the input alignment, using --alirange <s>. However it is more often the case that the region to be masked has been identified in coordinates relative to the profile model (e.g. based on recognizing a simple repeat pattern in false hit alignments or in the HMM logo). Not all alignment columns are converted to match state positions in the profile (see the --symfrac flag for hmmbuild for discussion), so model positions do not necessarily match up to alignment column positions. To remove the burden of converting model positions to alignment positions, alimask accepts the mask range input in model coordinates as well, using --modelrange <s>. When using this flag, alimask determines which alignment positions would be identified by hmmbuild as match states, a process that requires that all hmmbuild flags impacting that decision be supplied to alimask. It is for this reason that many of the hmmbuild flags are also used by alimask.



Ranges are expressed as a hyphenated pair of integers, e.g. 12-40. Ranges can be expressed in terms of model coordinates or alignment coordinates.

Options for Specifying the Alphabet

The alphabet type (amino, DNA, or RNA) is autodetected by default, by looking at the composition of the msafile. Autodetection is normally quite reliable, but occasionally alphabet type may be ambiguous and autodetection can fail (for instance, on tiny toy alignments of just a few residues). To avoid this, or to increase robustness in automated analysis pipelines, you may specify the alphabet type of msafile with these options.

Options Controlling Profile Construction

These options control how consensus columns are defined in an alignment.


Define consensus columns as those that have a fraction >= symfrac of residues as opposed to gaps. (See below for the --symfrac option.) This is the default.


Define consensus columns in next profile using reference annotation to the multiple alignment. This allows you to define any consensus columns you like.


Define the residue fraction threshold necessary to define a consensus column when using the --fast option. The default is 0.5. The symbol fraction in each column is calculated after taking relative sequence weighting into account, and ignoring gap characters corresponding to ends of sequence fragments (as opposed to internal insertions/deletions). Setting this to 0.0 means that every alignment column will be assigned as consensus, which may be useful in some cases. Setting it to 1.0 means that only columns that include 0 gaps (internal insertions/deletions) will be assigned as consensus.


We only want to count terminal gaps as deletions if the aligned sequence is known to be full-length, not if it is a fragment (for instance, because only part of it was sequenced). HMMER uses a simple rule to infer fragments: if the sequence length L is less than or equal to a fraction <x> times the alignment length in columns, then the sequence is handled as a fragment. The default is 0.5. Setting --fragthresh0 will define no (nonempty) sequence as a fragment; you might want to do this if you know you’ve got a carefully curated alignment of full-length sequences. Setting --fragthresh1 will define all sequences as fragments; you might want to do this if you know your alignment is entirely composed of fragments, such as translated short reads in metagenomic shotgun data.

Options Controlling Relative Weights

HMMER uses an ad hoc sequence weighting algorithm to downweight closely related sequences and up-weight distantly related ones. This has the effect of making models less biased by uneven phylogenetic representation. For example, two identical sequences would typically each receive half the weight that one sequence would. These options control which algorithm gets used.


Use the Henikoff position-based sequence weighting scheme [Henikoff and Henikoff, J. Mol. Biol. 243:574, 1994]. This is the default.


Use the Gerstein/Sonnhammer/Chothia weighting algorithm [Gerstein et al, J. Mol. Biol. 235:1067, 1994].


Use the same clustering scheme that was used to weight data in calculating BLOSUM subsitution matrices [Henikoff and Henikoff, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci 89:10915, 1992]. Sequences are single-linkage clustered at an identity threshold (default 0.62; see --wid) and within each cluster of c sequences, each sequence gets rela- tive weight 1/c.


No relative weights. All sequences are assigned uniform weight.


Sets the identity threshold used by single-linkage clustering when using --wblosum. Invalid with any other weighting scheme. Default is 0.62.

Random Seeding

Seed the random number generator with <n>, an integer >= 0. If <n> is nonzero, any stochastic simulations will be reproducible; the same command will give the same results. If <n> is 0, the random number generator is seeded arbitrarily, and stochastic simulations will vary from run to run of the same command.


This Galaxy tool relies on HMMER3 from Internally the software is cited as:

# hmmscan :: search sequence(s) against a profile database
# HMMER 3.1 (February 2013);
# Copyright (C) 2011 Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
# Freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPLv3).
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The wrappers were written by Eric Rasche and is licensed under Apache2. The documentation is copied from the HMMER3 documentation.