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VSearch clustering (version

What it does

vsearch implements a single-pass, greedy star-clustering algorithm, similar to the algorithms implemented in usearch, DNAclust and sumaclust for example.

Clustering options (most searching options also apply)
--centroids FILENAME
 output centroid sequences to FASTA file
--cluster_fast FILENAME
 cluster sequences after sorting by length
--cluster_size FILENAME
 cluster sequences after sorting by abundance
--cluster_smallmem FILENAME
 cluster already sorted sequences (see -usersort)
--clusters STRING
 output each cluster to a separate FASTA file
--consout FILENAME
 output cluster consensus sequences to FASTA file
 do not ignore terminal gaps in MSA for consensus
--id REAL reject if identity lower
--iddef INT id definition, 0-4=CD-HIT,all,int,MBL,BLAST (2)
--msaout FILENAME
 output multiple seq. alignments to FASTA file
--qmask seqs with dust, soft or no method (dust)
--sizein propagate abundance annotation from input
--sizeout write cluster abundances to centroid file
--strand cluster using plus or both strands (plus)
--uc FILENAME filename for UCLUST-like output
--usersort indicate sequences not presorted by length

For details about this tool, please refer to the GitHub repository or the vsearch manual.