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VSearch dereplication (version

What it does

Merge strictly identical sequences contained in filename. Identical sequences are defined as having the same length and the same string of nucleotides (case insensitive, T and U are considered the same).

Dereplication options
--derep_fulllength FILENAME
 dereplicate sequences in the given FASTA file
--maxuniquesize INT
 maximum abundance for output from dereplication
--minuniquesize INT
 minimum abundance for output from dereplication
--output FILENAME
 output FASTA file
--sizein read abundance annotation from input
--sizeout write abundance annotation to output
--strand dereplicate "plus" or "both" strands (plus)
--topn INT output just the n most abundant sequences
--uc FILENAME filename for UCLUST-like output

For details about this tool, please refer to the GitHub repository or the vsearch manual.