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VarScan2 Call SNPs from BAM (version 2.4.2.a)
Mapped reads in BAM or SAM format.
Let sambamba target specific genomic locations.
For more advanced VarScan and sambamba settings.

VarScan 2.4.2

VarScan is a platform-independent mutation caller for targeted, exome, and whole-genome resequencing data generated on Illumina, SOLiD, Life/PGM, Roche/454, and similar instruments.

VarScan requires mpileup input files, generally derived from BAM files. Since mpileup files can become humongous, the interim step of storing can be by-passed using this tool. Thus, in this wrapper one or multiple BAM/SAM files go in, get processed into a mpileup file and get directly linked to VarScan.

Input formats

VarScan2 accepts sequencing alignments in the same, either SAM or BAM format ( The alignment files must have a reference genome (dbkey) in Galaxy.


The tool wrapper has been written by Youri Hoogstrate from the Erasmus Medical Center (Rotterdam, Netherlands)