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Megablast (version 1.2.0)
Size of best perfect match (-word_size)
no cutoff if 0

Note. Database searches may take substantial amount of time. For large input datasets it is advisable to allow overnight processing.

What it does

This tool runs megablast function of BLAST+ blastn tool - a high performance nucleotide local aligner developed by Webb Miller and colleagues.

Output format

Output of this tool contains 13 columns delimited by Tabs:

  1. Id of your sequence
  2. GI of the database hit
  3. Length of the database hit
  4. % identity
  5. Alignment length
  6. # mismatches
  7. # gaps
  8. Start position in your sequence
  9. End position in your sequence
  10. Start position in database hit
  11. End position in database hit
  12. E-value
  13. Bit score


Zhang et al. A Greedy Algorithm for Aligning DNA Sequences. 2000. JCB: 203-214.