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bedtools Merge BedGraph files (version 2.31.1)
Include regions that have zero coverage in all BedGraph datasets
Can be 0.0, N/A, - or any other value

What it does

This tool merges multiple BedGraph files, allowing direct and fine-scale coverage comparisons among many samples/files. The BedGraph files need not represent the same intervals; the tool will identify both common and file-specific intervals. In addition, the BedGraph values need not be numeric: one can use any text as the BedGraph value and the tool will compare the values from multiple files.

This tool requires that each BedGraph file is reference-sorted (chrom, then start) and contains non-overlapping intervals (within a given file).

Example input:

# 1.bedgraph
chr1  1000    1500    10
chr1  2000    2100    20

# 2.bedgraph
chr1  900       1600    60
chr1  1700    2050    50

# 3.bedgraph
chr1  1980    2070    80
chr1  2090    2100    20

Examples using the Zero Coverage checkbox

Output example (without checking "Report regions with zero coverage"):

chr1     900    1000     0    60     0
chr1    1000    1500    10    60     0
chr1    1500    1600     0    60     0
chr1    1700    1980     0    50     0
chr1    1980    2000     0    50    80
chr1    2000    2050    20    50    80
chr1    2050    2070    20     0    80
chr1    2070    2090    20     0     0
chr1    2090    2100    20     0    20

Output example (with checking "Report regions with zero coverage"). The lines marked with (*) are not covered in any input file, but are still reported (The asterisk marking does not appear in the file).:

chr1       0          900     0     0     0 (*)
chr1     900         1000     0    60     0
chr1    1000         1500    10    60     0
chr1    1500         1600     0    60     0
chr1    1600         1700     0     0     0 (*)
chr1    1700         1980     0    50     0
chr1    1980         2000     0    50    80
chr1    2000         2050    20    50    80
chr1    2050         2070    20     0    80
chr1    2070         2090    20     0     0
chr1    2090         2100    20     0    20
chr1    2100    247249719     0     0     0 (*)

Examples adjusting the "Filler value" for no-covered intervals

The default value is '0', but you can use any other value.

Output example with filler = N/A:

chr1     900    1000    N/A     60    N/A
chr1    1000    1500     10     60    N/A
chr1    1500    1600    N/A     60    N/A
chr1    1600    1700    N/A    N/A    N/A
chr1    1700    1980    N/A     50    N/A
chr1    1980    2000    N/A     50     80
chr1    2000    2050     20     50     80
chr1    2050    2070     20    N/A     80
chr1    2070    2090     20    N/A    N/A
chr1    2090    2100     20    N/A     20

Examples using the "sample name" labels:

chrom   start   end     WT-1    WT-2    KO-1
chr1    900     1000    N/A     60      N/A
chr1    1000    1500     10     60      N/A
chr1    1500    1600    N/A     60      N/A
chr1    1600    1700    N/A    N/A      N/A
chr1    1700    1980    N/A     50      N/A
chr1    1980    2000    N/A     50      80
chr1    2000    2050     20     50      80
chr1    2050    2070     20    N/A      80
chr1    2070    2090     20    N/A      N/A
chr1    2090    2100     20    N/A      20

Non-numeric values

The input BedGraph files can contain any kind of value in the fourth column, not necessarily a numeric value.

Input Example:

File-1                           File-2
chr1   200   300   Sample1       chr1   100   240   0.75
chr1   400   450   Sample1       chr1   250   700   0.43
chr1   530   600   Sample2

Output Example:

chr1   100    200    0         0.75
chr1   200    240    Sample1   0.75
chr1   240    250    Sample1   0
chr1   250    300    Sample1   0.43
chr1   300    400    0         0.43
chr1   400    450    Sample1   0.43
chr1   450    530    0         0.43
chr1   530    600    Sample2   0.43
chr1   600    700    0         0.43

This tool is part of the bedtools package from the Quinlan laboratory.


If you use this tool in Galaxy, please cite:

Bjoern A. Gruening (2014), Galaxy wrapper