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rnaviralSPAdes (version 3.15.5+galaxy2)
To run read error correction, reads should be in FASTQ format.
It assumes that all samples belong to the same library. If you want to use samples from two different libraries, include the second library as additional set of short-reads.
Enable this option if you want to combine to data sources (e.g. single and paired reads).
Additional read files
Additional read files 0
Error correction requires FASTQ input files.
By default rnaSPAdes uses 2 k-mer sizes, which are automatically detected using read length (approximately one third and half of the maximal read length). We recommend not to change this parameter because smaller k-mer sizes typically result in multiple chimeric (misassembled) transcripts. Comma-separated list, all values must be odd, less than 128 and listed in ascending order.
Phred quality offset in the input reads. Default: auto-detect
Only shown in history if selected here and generated by the specific run.

What it does

SPAdes - St. Petersburg genome assembler - is an assembly toolkit containing various assembly pipelines.

rnaviralSPAdes is a pipeline specially designed for de novo assembler tailored for RNA viral datasets (transcriptome, metatranscriptome and metavirome).


SPAdes takes as input paired-end reads, mate-pairs and single (unpaired) reads in FASTA and FASTQ. For IonTorrent data SPAdes also supports unpaired reads in unmapped BAM format (like the one produced by Torrent Server). However, in order to run read error correction, reads should be in FASTQ or BAM format. Sanger, Oxford Nanopore and PacBio CLR reads can be provided in both formats since SPAdes does not run error correction for these types of data.

To run SPAdes 3.15.3 you need at least one library of the following types:

SPAdes supports mate-pair only assembly. However, we recommend to use only high-quality mate-pair libraries in this case (e.g. that do not have a paired-end part). We tested mate-pair only pipeline using Illumina Nextera mate-pairs.


A detailed description can be found in the input section of the manual.


IonTorrent data

The selection of k-mer length is non-trivial for IonTorrent. If the dataset is more or less conventional (good coverage, not high GC, etc), then use our recommendation for long reads (e.g. assemble using k-mer lengths 21,33,55,77,99,127). However, due to increased error rate some changes of k-mer lengths (e.g. selection of shorter ones) may be required. For example, if you ran SPAdes with k-mer lengths 21,33,55,77 and then decided to assemble the same data set using more iterations and larger values of K, you can run SPAdes once again specifying the same output folder and the following options: --restart-from k77 -k 21,33,55,77,99,127 --mismatch-correction -o <previous_output_dir>. Do not forget to copy contigs and scaffolds from the previous run. We're planning to tackle issue of selecting k-mer lengths for IonTorrent reads in next versions.

You may need no error correction for Hi-Q enzyme at all. However, we suggest trying to assemble your data with and without error correction and select the best variant.

For non-trivial datasets (e.g. with high GC, low or uneven coverage) we suggest to enable single-cell mode (setting --sc option) and use k-mer lengths of 21,33,55.


More information are available on github.