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Analyse CpGo/e ratios (version 1.0.0)
maximum fraction of CpGo/e ratios excluded as outliers
minimum distance between modes. Modes that are closer are joined
level of the confidence intervals of the mode positions
minimum probability mass of a mode
bandwidth constant for kernels
calculate confidence intervals of mode positions using bootstrap
number of bootstrap repetitions
Do not print warning message when few datapoint are given.

Model the distribution of CpG o/e ratios using Kernel Density Estimation.


"-o", "--frac-outl"                   maximum fraction of CpGo/e ratios excluded as outliers [default 0.01]
"-d", "--min-dist"                    minimum distance between modes, modes that are closer are joined [default 0.2]
"-c", "--conf-level"                  level of the confidence intervals of the mode positions [default 0.95]
"-m", "--mode-mass"                   minimum probability mass of a mode [default 0.05]
"-b", "--band-width"                  bandwidth constant for kernels [default 1.06]
"-B", "--bootstrap"                   calculate confidence intervals of mode positions using bootstrap.
"-r", "--bootstrap-reps"              number of bootstrap repetitions [default 1500]
"-p", "--peak-file"                   name of the output file describing the peaks of the KDE [default peaks.csv]
"-s", "--bootstrap-file"              Name of the output file with bootstrap values [default "bootstrap.csv"]
"-H", "--outlier-hist-file"   Outliers histogram file [default outliers_hist.pdf]
"-C", "--cutoff-file"                 Outliers cutoff file [default outliers_cutoff.csv]
"-k", "--kde-file"                    Kernel density estimation graph [default KDE.pdf]