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Stacks2: gstacks (version 2.55+galaxy4)
either the matches to the catalog (bam), i.e. tsv2bam, or reads aligned to a reference
If set, matching will be done only for samples listed in this file
ignore paired-end reads even if present in the input
Default is 0.01 if the marukilow model is used (which is the case in refmap and denovomap), otherwise no default value is available.

What it does

For de novo analyses, this program will pull in paired-end reads, if available, assemble the paired-end contig and merge it with the single-end locus, align reads to the locus, and call SNPs.

For reference-aligned analyses, this program will build loci from the single and/or paired-end reads before calling SNPs. The single- and paired-end reads must be aligned and stored together in the intput BAM or SAM files and the reads must be sorted. The gstacks program will detect if single- or paired-end reads are present.

In either mode, gstacks is able to remove PCR duplicates if requested.

Input files

If a population map is given BAM records must be assigned to samples using BAM "reads groups" (gstacks uses the ID/identifier and SM/sample name fields). Read groups must be consistent if repeated different files. Otherwise read groups are unneeded and ignored.

Output files

Created by:

Stacks was developed by Julian Catchen with contributions from Angel Amores, Paul Hohenlohe, and Bill Cresko

Project links:

Stacks website

Stacks manual

Stacks google group