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XTandemAdapter (version 2.8+galaxy0)
select mzml data sets(s)
Non-existing relative file-names are looked up via'OpenMS.ini:id_db_dir' select fasta data sets(s)
Tandem configuration file. All parameters of this adapter take precedence over the file - use it for parameters not available here. A template file can be found at 'OpenMS/share/CHEMISTRY/XTandem_default_config.xml' select xml data sets(s)
Tandem default)
Set this flag to disable
e.g. 'Carbamidomethyl (C)' or 'Oxidation (M)'
e.g. 'Carbamidomethyl (C)' or 'Oxidation (M)'
All, valid ones (passing the E-Value threshold), or stochastic (failing the threshold)
Annotates target-decoy information
Advanced Options
Advanced Options 0

Annotates MS/MS spectra using X! Tandem.

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