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Create InterMine Interchange (version 0.0.1)
Optional, will override column selection with static text value
Optional, will override column selection with static text value
Optional, will override column selection with static text value

InterMine-Galaxy exchange format

This file format exists as an intermediate step to import from Galaxy to InterMines and is not in itself a data format intended to be used for data storage or any purpose apart from Galaxy->InterMine interoperability.

This file has two mandatory columns and one optional column

Column 1 (mandatory)

Type of identifier, e.g. Gene or Protein. Must be a class in the InterMine data model. Gene or Protein is always a safe option.

Column 2 (mandatory)

Identifier this could be, as an example, a gene symbol like GATA1 or another other identifier, e.g. FBGN0000099 or perhaps a protein accession, or some other identifier.

Column 3 (optional)

Organism name - e.g. H. sapiens or Drosophila melanogaster. This is optional and does not have to be precise, but is good to provide if it is known.

For additional information, please see: