Galaxy | Tool Preview

Preprocess population data (version 0.0.2)
Population count file, with location, date, species and abundance.

STOC preprocess population data

What it does

Reshape the data for the next steps of STOC analyzes by adding zero count to sites that are in the dataset, for species having no count data for those sites.

Input description

A tabular file with abundance per year, per site and per species with no or few zero abundance.

The data file can be extracted from the STOC database on demand :

The table needs the following structure (at least these 4 fours columns) :

carre annee espece abond
carreId1 2019 especeId 12
... ... ... ...


A tabular file transformed, with one column indicating the year, one indicating the site, and one column for each species abundance.

This file is ready for the next filtering steps.


UnPublished script available at

First version written by