Galaxy | Tool Preview

AmpliCan (version 1.14.0+galaxy0)
Sequence quality options
Sequence quality options 0
Alignment options
Alignment options 0
Advanced options
Advanced options 0
Output options
Output options 0


AmpliCan is an analysis tool for genome editing that unites highly precise quantification and visualization of genuine genome editing events. ampliCan features nuclease-optimized alignments, filtering of experimental artifacts, event-specific normalization, and off-target read detection and quantifies insertions, deletions, HDR repair, as well as targeted base editing. It is scalable to thousands of amplicon sequencing-based experiments from any genome editing experiment, including CRISPR. It enables automated integration of controls and accounts for biases at every step of the analysis.

Config file details

Columns of the config file:

If you have only forward primers leave column Reverse_Primer empty, leave empty also the Reverse_Reads column. You can still use amplican like normal.