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CometAdapter (version 2.8+galaxy0)
select mzml data sets(s)
select fasta data sets(s)
All parameters of this take precedence. A template file can be generated using 'comet.exe -p' select txt data sets(s)
See also precursor_error_units to set the unit
Use -8/-4/0/4/8 only for SILAC
Thus, the value should be a bit higher than for other search engines, since the bin might not be centered around the peak apex (see 'fragment_bin_offset').CAUTION: Low tolerances have heavy impact on RAM usage (since Comet uses a lot of bins in this case). Consider using use_sparse_matrix and/or spectrum_batch_size
Recommended by Comet: low-res: 0.4, high-res: 0.0
It has no effect if enzyme is unspecific cleavage
For unknown charge states, search as singly charged if there is no signal above the precursor m/z or use the precursor_charge range
(Allowed max 5)
e.g. 'Carbamidomethyl (C)' or 'Oxidation (M)'
e.g. 'Carbamidomethyl (C)' or 'Oxidation (M)'
Indices correspond to the binary modification index used by comet to group individually searched lists of variable modifications.. Note: if set, both variable_modifications and binary_modifications need to have the same number of entries as the N-th entry corresponds to the N-th variable_modification.. if left empty (default), all entries are internally set to 0 generating all permutations of modified and unmodified residues.. For a detailed explanation please see the parameter description in the Comet help (space separated list, in order to allow for spaces in list items surround them by single quotes)
Annotates target-decoy information
Advanced Options
Advanced Options 0

Annotates MS/MS spectra using Comet.

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