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sixgill makefasta (version
Can be generated with sixgill_build
peptide with specified missed cleavages requires holding all peptides in the database in memory, as each is only written once
usage: sixgill_makefasta [-h] --out OUT --type {aa,peptide}
[--missedcleavages MISSEDCLEAVAGES] [--minpeptidelength MINPEPTIDELENGTH] [--debug] metapeptidedbfile

Build a fasta database from a metapeptide database. Either nucleotide or amino acid.

positional arguments:
metapeptidedbfile input metapeptide database file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--out OUT output file

--type {aa,peptide} database type --missedcleavages MISSEDCLEAVAGES

missed cleavages (for type peptide only)
--minpeptidelength MINPEPTIDELENGTH
 minimum peptide length (for type peptide only)
--debug Enable debug logging