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Normalize (version
biom file

PICRUSt: Phylogenetic Investigation of Communities by Reconstruction of Unobserved States

The PICRUSt project aims to support prediction of the unobserved character states in a community of organisms from phylogenetic information about the organisms in that community. The primary application is to predict gene family abundance (e.g. the metagenome) in environmental DNA samples for which only marker gene (e.g. 16S rRNA gene) data are available. This is an open source, international, collaborative bioinformatics project developed in the Huttenhower, Beiko, Langille, Vega Thurber, Knight and Caporaso labs.

For more information please visit:

Reference Data

Precalculated files:

Command Documenation

This module corrects the abundance of each OTU to better reflect the true organism abundance by normalizing by PICRUSt's prediction of 16S copy number for each OTU.

Please ensure that you have properly created your OTU table to be compatible with PICRUSt by following this guide. A sample file can be downloaded here

Make sure that you specify an appropriate 16S database for this command (usually 16S 13_5).