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ont_fast5_api: Subset (version 3.1.3+galaxy2)
Either containing 1 read_id per line or a tabular file with a column named read_id.
Number of single reads to include in each multi read file

What it does

ont_fast5_api is a simple interface to HDF5 files of the Oxford Nanopore FAST5 file format.

fast5_subset extracts reads from multi read FAST5 file(s) based on a list of read IDs.


Multi read file(s) in FAST5 format, that are stored in a flat TAR, and a list of read IDs that should be extracted.


Multi read file(s) in FAST5 format containing a subset of the input file(s). The rseults are are stored in a flat TAR.


More information are available on github.