Galaxy | Tool Preview

PRINSEQ (version 0.20.4+galaxy2)
FASTQ files.
By default, sequences smaller than 60 bp are removed. No top threshold is defined
By default, sequences smaller than 60 bp are removed.
By default, no treatment based on a maximal length is made.
By default, sequences with a mean score below 15 are removed.
By default, no treatment based on a minimum score is made.
By default, no treatment based on a minimum score is made.
By default, sequences with a mean score below 15 are removed.
By default, sequences with a mean score below 15 are removed.
By default, no treatment based on a maximum mean score is made.
By default, sequences with more than 2% of N bases are removed.
By default, no treatment based on GC percentage is made.
By default, no treatment based on N number is made.
By default, sequences with more than 2% of N bases are removed.
By default, this treatment is not made. (-noniupac)
By default, no complexity filter is applied.
By default, no length trimming is made
By default, no position trimming is made
By default, no tail trimming is made
By default, a 3'-end trimming is made to remove ends with a minimum quality score over 5 bp below 20
By default, no 5'-end quality trimming is made
By default, 3'-end trimming is made based on a score of 20
By default, min is used. (-trim_qual_type)
By default, 'less than' is used. (-trim_qual_rule)
To stop at the first base that fails the rule defined, use a window size of 1 (default value). (-trim_qual_window)
To move the window over all quality scores without missing any, the step size sould be less or equal to the window size. The default value is 1. (-trim_qual_step)

What it does

PRINSEQ is a tool for easy and rapid quality control and data processing of metagenomic and metatranscriptomic datasets. This tool allow to process the sequences with filtering and trimming. More information on PRINSEQ manual.


The input file is sequence file in fastq format (sequences and quality):

@HWI-M00234:263:000000000-ADM55:1:1101:7508:4067 1:N:0:ATCACG


The parameters are numerous in PRINSEQ given the wanted treatments.

Several filter treatments are proposed:

  • Filters based on sequence length
  • Filters based on quality score
  • Filters based on base content

And several trimming treatments eliminate sequence parts:

  • Trim of ends
  • Trim of tails
  • Trim based quality score

All these treaments can be customed using proposed parameters.


The output file is a sequence file with sequences and quality from input file which have undergone filter and trimming.