Galaxy | Tool Preview

gProfiler SNPense (version 0.1.7+galaxy11)
Whether to filter out results without a corresponding target name.
Tool settings
Tool settings 0
What it does
This tool wraps gprofiler2 R package which performs a request to g:Profiler g:SNPense tool through its API.
g:Profiler g:SNPense maps SNP rs identifiers to chromosome positions, genes and variant effects. Available only for human SNPs.

This tool is part of the g:Profiler from the University of Tartu.

gprofiler2 R tool

By default the tool makes requests to APIs of the latest g:Profiler instance with the most recent data release. Please, use ’Tool Settings → Base URL’ to modify it in case you want to make use of older data versions. Also, if the results should be pinned for reproducibility, we suggest to modify the base url to the last archived data version.