Reads a SAM or BAM file and writes a file containing summary alignment metrics.
Dataset collections - processing large numbers of datasets at once
This will be added shortly
Inputs, outputs, and parameters
Either a SAM file or a BAM file must be supplied. Galaxy automatically coordinate-sorts all uploaded BAM files.
From Picard documentation( http://broadinstitute.github.io/picard/):
MAX_INSERT_SIZE=Integer Paired end reads above this insert size will be considered chimeric along with inter-chromosomal pairs. Default value: 100000. ADAPTER_SEQUENCE=String List of adapter sequences to use when processing the alignment metrics This option may be specified 0 or more times. METRIC_ACCUMULATION_LEVEL=MetricAccumulationLevel LEVEL=MetricAccumulationLevel The level(s) at which to accumulate metrics. Possible values: {ALL_READS, SAMPLE, LIBRARY, READ_GROUP} This option may be specified 0 or more times. IS_BISULFITE_SEQUENCED=Boolean BS=Boolean Whether the SAM or BAM file consists of bisulfite sequenced reads. REFERENCE_SEQUENCE=File R=File Reference sequence fasta Default value: null. ASSUME_SORTED=Boolean AS=Boolean If true (default), then the sort order in the header file will be ignored.
Additional information
Additional information about Picard tools is available from Picard web site at http://broadinstitute.github.io/picard/ .