ReorderSam reorders reads in a SAM/BAM file to match the contig ordering in a provided reference file, as determined by exact name matching of contigs. Reads mapped to contigs absent in the new reference are dropped.
Dataset collections - processing large numbers of datasets at once
This will be added shortly
Not to be confused with SortSam.
Inputs, outputs, and parameters
Either a SAM file or a BAM file must be supplied. Galaxy automatically coordinate-sorts all uploaded BAM files.
From Picard documentation( http://broadinstitute.github.io/picard/):
ALLOW_INCOMPLETE_DICT_CONCORDANCE=Boolean S=Boolean If true, then allows only a partial overlap of the BAM contigs with the new reference sequence contigs. By default, this tool requires a corresponding contig in the new reference for each read contig Default value: false. Possible values: {true, false} ALLOW_CONTIG_LENGTH_DISCORDANCE=Boolean U=Boolean If true, then permits mapping from a read contig to a new reference contig with the same name but a different length. Highly dangerous, only use if you know what you are doing. Default value: false. Possible values: {true, false}
Additional information
Additional information about Picard tools is available from Picard web site at http://broadinstitute.github.io/picard/ .