Extracts read sequences and qualities from the input SAM/BAM dataset and outputs them in Sanger fastq format. In the RE_REVERSE=True mode (default behavior), if the read is aligned and the alignment is to the reverse strand on the genome, the read's sequence from input SAM.BAM dataset will be reverse-complemented prior to writing it to fastq in order restore correctly the original read sequence as it was generated by the sequencer.
Dataset collections - processing large numbers of datasets at once
This will be added shortly
Inputs, outputs, and parameters
Either a SAM file or a BAM file must be supplied. Galaxy automatically coordinate-sorts all uploaded BAM files.
From Picard documentation( http://broadinstitute.github.io/picard/):
FASTQ=File F=File Output fastq file (single-end fastq or, if paired, first end of the pair fastq). Required. SECOND_END_FASTQ=File F2=File Output fastq file (if paired, second end of the pair fastq). Default value: null. UNPAIRED_FASTQ=File FU=File Output fastq file for unpaired reads; may only be provided in paired-fastq mode Default value: null. RE_REVERSE=Boolean RC=Boolean Re-reverse bases and qualities of reads with negative strand flag set before writing them to fastq Default value: true. Possible values: {true, false} INTERLEAVE=Boolean INTER=Boolean Will generate an interleaved fastq if paired, each line will have /1 or /2 to describe which end it came from Default value: false. Possible values: {true, false} INCLUDE_NON_PF_READS=Boolean NON_PF=Boolean Include non-PF reads from the SAM file into the output FASTQ files. PF means 'passes filtering'. Reads whose 'not passing quality controls' flag is set are non-PF reads. Default value: false. Possible values: {true, false} CLIPPING_ATTRIBUTE=String CLIP_ATTR=String The attribute that stores the position at which the SAM record should be clipped Default value: null. CLIPPING_ACTION=String CLIP_ACT=String The action that should be taken with clipped reads: 'X' means the reads and qualities should be trimmed at the clipped position; 'N' means the bases should be changed to Ns in the clipped region; and any integer means that the base qualities should be set to that value in the clipped region. Default value: null. READ1_TRIM=Integer R1_TRIM=Integer The number of bases to trim from the beginning of read 1. Default value: 0. READ1_MAX_BASES_TO_WRITE=Integer R1_MAX_BASES=Integer The maximum number of bases to write from read 1 after trimming. If there are fewer than this many bases left after trimming, all will be written. If this value is null then all bases left after trimming will be written. Default value: null. READ2_TRIM=Integer R2_TRIM=Integer The number of bases to trim from the beginning of read 2. Default value: 0. READ2_MAX_BASES_TO_WRITE=Integer R2_MAX_BASES=Integer The maximum number of bases to write from read 2 after trimming. If there are fewer than this many bases left after trimming, all will be written. If this value is null then all bases left after trimming will be written. Default value: null. INCLUDE_NON_PRIMARY_ALIGNMENTS=Boolean If true, include non-primary alignments in the output. Support of non-primary alignments in SamToFastq is not comprehensive, so there may be exceptions if this is set to true and there are paired reads with non-primary alignments. Default value: false. Possible values: {true, false}
Additional information
Additional information about Picard tools is available from Picard web site at http://broadinstitute.github.io/picard/ .