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map plot (version 1.2.1)
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Visualization on a map with psyplot

This tool wraps the functionality of psyplot.plot.mapplot.

The wrappers aims at providing the same functionality as psyplot.plot.mapplot but it has some limitations. The input file must be in netCDF format and must contain 2D arrays with geographical coordinatates (latitudes, longitudes) given in degrees. TODO: Fill in help.

What it does

This tools creates an image (png format) corresponding to the visualization on a geographical map of a variable extracted from a netCDF file (input file). By default, the projection is PlateCarree and colormap is jet. These settings can be changed in Advanced settings.


usage: [-h] [--proj PROJ] [--cmap CMAP] [--output OUTPUT] [--time TIME]
                        [--format FORMAT] [--title TITLE] [--ncol NCOL] [--nrow NROW] [-v] input varname

Positional arguments:

  • input: input filename with geographical coordinates (netCDF format)
  • varname: Specify which variable to plot (case sensitive)

Optional arguments:

-h, --help show this help message and exit
--proj PROJ Specify the projection on which we draw
--cmap CMAP Specify which colormap to use for plotting
--output OUTPUT
 output filename to store resulting image (png format)
-v, --verbose switch on verbose mode
--time TIME list of times to plot for multiple plots
--format FORMAT
 format for date/time (default is Month d, yyyy)
--title TITLE plot title
--ncol NCOL number of columns for multiple plots
--nrow NROW number of rows for multiple plots

It uses psy-maps, a python package to generate plots. More information about psyplot and psy-maps can be found at