de novo metagenome assembler, based on hifiasm, a haplotype-resolved de novo assembler for PacBio Hifi reads.
Hifiasm is an ultrafast haplotype-resolved de novo assembler for PacBio Hifi reads. Unlike most existing assemblers, hifiasm starts from uncollapsed genome. Thus, it is able to keep the haplotype information as much as possible. The input of hifiasm is the PacBio Hifi reads in fasta/fastq format, and its outputs consist of multiple types of assembly graph in GFA format.
Hifiasm_meta is a fork of hifiasm. It comes with a read selection module, which enables the assembly of dataset of high redundancy without compromising overall assembly quality, and meta-centric graphcleaning modules. Currently hifiasm_meta does not take binning info.
hifiasm_meta's home page is xfengnefx/hifiasm-meta.
This tool was wrapped by the Galaxy Australia team.