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Column join (version 0.0.3)
The column that will be used to join the input datasets
If this is set to 0, a header line will be added containing column names as follows: the identifier column will be named #KEY and the other columns are named by the input dataset names/columns. If you have one or more header lines in your input, set this to the number of header lines.
Disable if you want column headers to only be composed of the input file names, for example, if you want headers like file1 and not file1_column1, see Help section below. Default: Yes
a placeholder for empty cells

Joins lists of tabular datasets together on a field.


To join three files, with headers, based on the first column:

First file (in_1):

#KEY    c2  c3  c4
one     1-1 1-2 1-3
two     1-4 1-5 1-6
three   1-7 1-8 1-9

Second File (in_2):

#KEY    c2  c3  c4
one     2-1 2-2 2-3
two     2-4 2-5 2-6
three   2-7 2-8 2-9

Third file (in_3):

#KEY    c2  c3  c4
one     3-3 3-2 3-3
two     3-4 3-5 3-6
three   3-7 3-8 3-9

Joining the files, using identifier column of 1 and a header lines of 1, will return:

#KEY    in_1_c2 in_1_c3 in_1_c4 in_2_c2 in_2_c3 in_2_c4 in_3_c2 in_3_c3 in_3_c4
one     1-1              1-2            1-3             2-1              2-2             2-3             3-3             3-2             3-3
three   1-7              1-8            1-9             2-7              2-8             2-9             3-7             3-8             3-9
two     1-4              1-5            1-6             2-4              2-5             2-6             3-4             3-5             3-6

Joining the files, using identifier column of 1 and a header lines of 1, but disabling Add column name to header, will return:

#KEY    in_1 in_1 in_1 in_2 in_2 in_2 in_3 in_3 in_3
one     1-1              1-2            1-3             2-1              2-2             2-3             3-3             3-2             3-3
three   1-7              1-8            1-9             2-7              2-8             2-9             3-7             3-8             3-9
two     1-4              1-5            1-6             2-4              2-5             2-6             3-4             3-5             3-6