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NanopolishComp: FreqMethCalculate (version 0.6.11+galaxy1)
Obtained with samtools faidx. Required for coordinate sorting
Used for bed track header.
To consider a site significantly methylated or unmethylated.

What it does

NanopolishComp is a companion package for downstream analyses of Nanopolish output files.

Freq_meth_calculate calculates methylation frequency at genomic CpG sites from the output of nanopolish call-methylation.


A nanopolish call methylation tabular output file.


BED file

Standard genomic BED6. The score correspond to the methylation frequency multiplied by 1000. The file is sorted by coordinates and can be rendered with a genome browser such as IGV

Tabulated TSV file

Contrary to the bed file, in the tabulated report, positions are ordered by decreasing methylation frequency.

The file contains the following fields:


More information are available on the project website and github.