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GEMINI set_somatic (version 0.20.1)
Only files with version 0.20.1 are accepted.
default: -1 (not set) (--min-depth)
default: -1 (not set) (--min-qual)
default: -1 (not set) (--min-somatic-score)
default: -1 (not set) (--max-norm-alt-freq)
default: -1 (not set) (--max-norm-alt-count)
default: -1 (not set) (--min-norm-depth)
default: -1 (not set) (--min-tumor-alt-freq)
default: -1 (not set) (--min-tumor-alt-count)
default: -1 (not set) (--min-tumor-depth)
e.g. chrom12 (--chrom)

What it does

Gemini set_somatic sets the flag "is_somatic" by comparing tumor/normal pairs in an already loaded Gemini database.