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qiime2 taxa filter-seqs (version 2024.2.0+q2galaxy.2024.2.1)
[required] Feature sequences to be filtered.
[required] Taxonomic annotations for features in the provided feature sequences. All features in the feature sequences must have a corresponding taxonomic annotation. Taxonomic annotations for features that are not present in the feature sequences will be ignored.
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QIIME 2: taxa filter-seqs

Taxonomy-based feature sequence filter.


 The taxonomy-filtered feature sequences.


This method filters sequences based on their taxonomic annotations. Features can be retained in the result by specifying one or more include search terms, and can be filtered out of the result by specifying one or more exclude search terms. If both include and exclude are provided, the inclusion critera will be applied before the exclusion critera. Either include or exclude terms (or both) must be provided.