Galaxy | Tool Preview

MeasureObjectIntensity (version 3.1.9+galaxy1)
new images
new image 0
new objects
new object 0

What it does

MeasureObjectIntensity measures several intensity features for identified objects.

Given an image with objects identified (e.g., nuclei or cells), this module extracts intensity features for each object based on one or more corresponding grayscale images. Measurements are recorded for each object. Intensity measurements are made for all combinations of the images and objects entered. If you want only specific image/object measurements, you can use multiple MeasureObjectIntensity modules for each group of measurements desired. Note that for publication purposes, the units of intensity from microscopy images are usually described as “Intensity units” or “Arbitrary intensity units” because microscopes are not calibrated to an absolute scale. Also, it is important to note whether you are reporting the mean vs. the integrated intensity, so specify “Mean intensity units” or “Integrated intensity units” accordingly. Keep in mind that the default behavior in CellProfiler is to rescale the image intensity from 0 to 1 by dividing all pixels in the image by the maximum possible intensity value. This “maximum possible” value is defined by the “Set intensity range from” setting in NamesAndTypes; see the help for that setting for more details.


Existing CellProfiler pipeline file (.cppipe) or generated by linking CellProfiler tools.


The input CellProfiler pipeline file (.cppipe) in addition to the settings of this module.


The first tool in a CellProfiler workflow has to be Starting modules and the last one CellProfiler. You can also execute the entire pipeline with the final CellProfiler tool, in which you feed in the images you want to process as well.