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DEXSeq (version 1.48.0+galaxy0)
Factor 0
Output an additional HTML file.
Can be used to generate plots for individual genes with plotDEXSeq

What it does

Inference of differential exon usage in RNA-Seq.


DEXSeq takes count tables generated from the dexseq_count as input. Count tables must be generated for each sample individually. DEXSeq is capable of handling multiple factors that affect your experiment. The first factor you input is considered to be the primary factor that affects gene expressions. You can also input several secondary factors that might influence your experiment but the final output will be changes in genes due to primary factor in the presence of secondary factors. Each factor has two levels/states. You need to select an appropriate count table from your history for each factor level.

The following table gives some examples of factors and their levels:

Factor Factor level 1 Factor level 2
condition Knockdown Wildtype
treatment Treated Untreated
timePoint Day4 Day1
SeqType SingleEnd PairedEnd
Gender Female Male

Note: Output log2 fold changes are based on primary factor level 1 vs. factor level 2. Here the order of factor levels is important. For example, for the factor 'condition' given in the above table, DEXSeq computes fold changes of 'Knockdown' samples against 'Wildtype', i.e. the values correspond to up or down regulations of genes in Knockdown samples.


DEXSeq generates a tabular file containing the different columns and an optional html report. It can also ouput the DEXSeqResults R object that can be used with the plotDEXSeq tool to visualise individual genes.

Column Description
1 Gene and exon Identifiers
2 group/gene identifier
3 feature/exon identifier
4 mean of the counts across samples in each feature/exon
5 exon dispersion estimate
6 LRT statistic
7 LRT p-value
8 BH adjusted p-values
9 exon usage coefficient factorLevel 2
10 exon usage coefficient factorLevel 1
11 relative exon usage fold changes
12 GRanges object of the coordinates of the exon/feature
13 matrix of integer counts, of each column containing a sample
14 list of transcripts overlapping with the exon