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DEXSeq-Count (version 1.48.0+galaxy0)
Indicates whether two or more genes sharing an exon should be merged into an 'aggregate gene'. If 'no', the exons that can not be assiged to a single gene are ignored.

What it does

The main goal of this tool is to count the number of reads/fragments per exon of each gene in RNA-seq samples. In addition, it also prepares your annotation GTF file, making it compatible for counting.


Mode-preprare: Takes a normal GTF file as input. For example from Ensembl database. Mode-count: Inputs are flattened GTF file and BAM file. The flattened GTF file can be generated from 'prepare' mode of this tool.


Mode-prepare: Flattened GTF file that contains only exons with corresponding gene ids from the input GTF file. Sometimes two or more genes sharing an exon will be merged into an 'aggregate gene' if the aggregate option was used. Mode-count: Two column tab-delimited file with exon ids and their read counts.