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msPurity.frag4feature (version 1.16.2+galaxy1)
grouped xcmsSet object saved as 'xset' in an RData file
purityA object generated from msPurity_purityA. Contains details of fragmentation spectra and precursor ion purity results (output from purityA tool)
Fragmentation will be ignored if the precursor mz value is not within the ppm error tolerance to the XCMS feature mz
Fragmentation will be ignore if the precursor ion purity is less than the threshold (further filtering on the precursor ion purity can be done at the averaging stage if required).
If TRUE the most intense precursor will be used. If FALSE the precursor closest to the center of the isolation window will be used
If retention time correction has been used in XCMS set this to yes
For special cases where the MS2 files have no MS1 data or if the MS1 data in the MS2 file is unreliable
Use only if you get a message which say that your original dataset or dataset collection can not be found the server.