What it does
Integrating the knowledge of the known protein-protein interactions would be useful in explaining variation data. Meaning to say that a damaging variant in an interacting partner of a potential protein may be equally interesting as the protein itself. We have used the HPRD binary interaction data to build a p-p network graph which can be explored by GEMINI.
interactions: Find genes among variants that are interacting partners.
Integrating the knowledge of the known protein-protein interactions would be useful in explaining variation data. Meaning to say that a damaging variant in an interacting partner of a potential protein may be equally interesting as the protein itself. We have used the HPRD binary interaction data to build a p-p network graph which can be explored by GEMINI.
EXAMPLE with setting -g CTBP2 and -r 3:
sample gene order_of_interaction interacting_gene M128215 CTBP2 0_order: CTBP2 M128215 CTBP2 1_order: RAI2 M128215 CTBP2 2_order: RB1 M128215 CTBP2 3_order: TGM2,NOTCH2NL
Return CTBP2 (-g) interacting gene variants till the third order (-r)
EXAMPLE lof_interactions (use this option to restrict your analysis to only LoF variants); lof_interactions and -r 3:
sample lof_gene order_of_interaction interacting_gene M128215 TGM2 1_order: RB1 M128215 TGM2 2_order: none M128215 TGM2 3_order: NOTCH2NL,CTBP2
Meaning to say return all LoF gene TGM2 (in sample M128215) interacting partners to a 3rd order of interaction.
EXAMPLE --var. An extended variant information (chrom, start, end etc.) for the interacting gene may be achieved with the –var option for both the interactions and the lof_interactions. Settings '-g CTBP2', '-r 3' and '--var':
sample gene order_of_interaction interacting_gene var_id chrom start end impact biotype in_dbsnp clinvar_sig clinvar_disease_name aaf_1kg_all aaf_esp_all M128215 CTBP2 0 CTBP2 5 chr10 126678091 126678092 stop_gain protein_coding 1 None None None None M128215 CTBP2 1 RAI2 9 chrX 17819376 17819377 non_syn_coding protein_coding 1 None None 1 0.000473 M128215 CTBP2 2 RB1 7 chr13 48873834 48873835 upstream protein_coding 1 None None 0.94 None M128215 CTBP2 3 NOTCH2NL 1 chr1 145273344 145273345 non_syn_coding protein_coding 1 None None None None M128215 CTBP2 3 TGM2 8 chr20 36779423 36779424 stop_gain protein_coding 0 None None None None
EXAMPLE with the following settings; '-r 3', '--var':
sample lof_gene order_of_interaction interacting_gene var_id chrom start end impact biotype in_dbsnp clinvar_sig clinvar_disease_name aaf_1kg_all aaf_esp_all M128215 TGM2 1 RB1 7 chr13 48873834 48873835 upstream protein_coding 1 None None 0.94 None M128215 TGM2 3 NOTCH2NL 1 chr1 145273344 145273345 non_syn_coding protein_coding 1 None None None None M128215 TGM2 3 CTBP2 5 chr10 126678091 126678092 stop_gain protein_coding 1 None None None None