What it does
Uses harmonypy [Korunsky19] to integrate different experiments at the principal components level.
More information can be found at https://scanpy.readthedocs.io
Version history 1.9.301+galaxy0: Moves to Scanpy 1.9.3
1.8.1+galaxy9: Fixes version label to get versions sorted properly on Galaxy (equivalent to 1.8.1+3+galaxy0). In addition, adds ability to make fields unique in AnnData operations, adds additional handler on Scrubblet for workflows convenience, enables Scanpy tools to avoid outputing AnnData/matrix files when not required.
1.8.1+3+galaxy0: Upate to scanpy-scripts 1.1.3 (running scanpy ==1.8.1), including a fix to MTX output and a bugfix for the Scrublet wrapper.
1.8.1+2+galaxy0: Upate to scanpy-scripts 1.1.2 (running scanpy ==1.8.1), including improved boolean handling for mito etc.
1.8.1+1+galaxy0: Upate to scanpy-scripts 1.1.1 build 1 (running scanpy ==1.8.1), including improved Scrublet integration with batch handling.
1.8.1+galaxy0: Upate to scanpy-scripts 1.0.1 (running scanpy ==1.8.1), including Scrublet integration.
1.7.2+galaxy0: Upate to scanpy-scripts 0.3.3 (running scanpy ==1.7.2) to incorporate fix for object output from PAGA plotting, to allow PAGA init of FDG.
1.6.0+galaxy0: Update to scanpy-scripts 0.2.13 (running scanpy ==1.6.0) to incorporate new options, code simplifications, and batch integration methods. Jonathan Manning, Expression Atlas team https://www.ebi.ac.uk/gxa/home at EMBL-EBI https://www.ebi.ac.uk/
1.4.3+galaxy10: Update to scanpy-scripts 0.2.10 (running scanpy ==1.4.3) to address bugfixes in run-pca.
1.4.3+galaxy10: Update to scanpy-scripts 0.2.9 (running scanpy ==1.4.3) to address bugfixes in find-variable-genes.
1.4.3+galaxy10: Use profile 18.01 for modules.
1.4.3+galaxy6: Update to scanpy-scripts 0.2.8 (running scanpy ==1.4.3) and wider compatibility with other Galaxy modules. Bug fixes in filtering and plotting improvements.
1.4.3+galaxy0: Update to scanpy-scripts 0.2.5 (running scanpy ==1.4.3).
1.4.2+galaxy0: Update to scanpy-scripts 0.2.4 (requires scanpy >=1.4.2).
1.3.2+galaxy1: Normalise-data and filter-genes: Exposes ability to output 10x files.
1.3.2+galaxy0: Initial contribution. Ni Huang and Pablo Moreno, Expression Atlas team https://www.ebi.ac.uk/gxa/home at EMBL-EBI https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ and Teichmann Lab at Wellcome Sanger Institute.