What it does
Runs QTL Cartographer for QTL/eQTL mapping. Parse the results.
Example output file
eQTL results file, each row correspond to an eQTL (21 columns; only a part of the file is shown):
trait_name trait_number eQTL_number chr peak_marker peak_position peak_LR peak_LOD R2 TR2 S additive dominance LOD1_L_m LOD1_L_pos LOD1_R_m LOD1_R_pos LOD2_L_m LOD2_L_pos LOD2_R_m LOD2_R_pos geneA 4 2 3 15 79.31 14.576 3.162992 0.1093 0.1915 5.2649 -0.0602 0 12 0.6318 15 0.8678 11 0.5984 15 0.8941 geneB 5 1 6 7 54.41 12.0029 2.6046293 0.0833 0.1621 5.0323 0.0516 0 6 0.4803 7 0.6296 5 0.4237 7 0.6509 geneC 6 1 1 12 81.5 13.2053 2.8655501 0.082 0.2517 154.622 -0.0513 0 11 0.7835 12 0.815 10 0.6549 12 0.815 geneC 6 2 5 6 33.92 12.4418 2.6998706 0.0881 0.2653 161.127 0.0546 0 4 0.2652 6 0.4058 2 0.1031 7 0.4629 geneF 11 1 9 4 11.74 14.4418 3.1338706 0.0937 0.252 72.2489 -0.0562 0 1 0.0014 4 0.1995 1 0.0001 4 0.2035 geneH 12 2 1 9 43.66 16.9545 3.6791265 0.092 0.3558 0.1466 0.0544 0 8 0.4159 9 0.5408 5 0.3295 9 0.5987 geneJ 13 1 7 11 66.41 15.6251 3.3906467 0.0965 0.2625 8.2335 -0.0558 0 9 0.5515 11 0.7408 9 0.5464 12 0.7631