FROGS datamanager allows to download preformated databases for FROGS Affiliation OTU tool.
All databases are available at http://genoweb.toulouse.inra.fr/frogs_databanks/assignation/.
This tools is based on the FROGS_databases.tsv.txt, that we update each time a new database is formatted.
You may download all databases, but you may (should) filter whished database on different criteria:
- on a date, to download only last formated databases
- on an amplicon type
- on a base name
- eventually on a filtered name, this may be the case for example, for 16S SILVA database, for which we provide reference sequence with pintail score above a threshold
Last option allow you to download only last version of previously selected databases, indeed we provide reference database since 2016 with for example, around 1 version of SILVA per year.
Contacts: frogs-support@inrae.fr
Repositories: https://github.com/geraldinepascal/FROGS, https://github.com/geraldinepascal/FROGS-wrappers
Website: http://frogs.toulouse.inrae.fr/