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Export to GraPhlAn (version 0.19)
Identical to LEfSe input file (--lefse_input)
The levels must be in comma-separated form (--annotations)
The levels must be in comma-separated form (--external_annotations)
The levels must be in comma-separated form (--background_levels)
The clades must be in comma-separated form (--background_clades)
Colors can be either in RGB or HSV (using a semi-colon to separate values, surrounded with ()). The different colors must be in comma-separated form (--background_colors)
The taxonomy is parsed, and the level is choosen in order to have at least the specified number of biomarkers(--least_biomarkers)
-1 specifies that no names are present in the matrix (--fname_row)
-1 specifies that no names are present in the matrix (--sname_row)
The row numbers ar indexed to 0 and comma separated (--skip_rows)
The order is based on percentile specified by --sperc (--stop)
The order is based on percentile specified by --fperc (--ftop)

What it does

export2graphlan is a conversion software tool to produce both annotation and tree file for GraPhlAn. It can convert MetaPhlAn, LEfSe, and/or HUMAnN output to GraPhlAn input format

In particular, the annotation file tries to highlight specific sub-trees deriving automatically from input file what nodes are important.

For more information, check the user manual.