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MACS2 bdgbroadcall (version
Cutoff depends on which method you used for score track. If the file contains pvalue scores from MACS2, score 5 means pvalue 1e-5. Default=5 (--cutoff)
Cutoff for linking regions/low abundance regions depending on which method you used for score track. If the file contains qvalue scores from MACS2, score 1 means qvalue 0.1, and score 0.3 means qvalue 0.5. Default=1 (--cutoff-link)
It is recommended to set it as d value. Default=200 (--min-length)
It is recommended to set it to tag size. Default=30 (--lvl1-max-gap)
It is recommended to set it to 4 times of d value. Default=800 (--lvl2-max-gap)

What it does

This is bdgbroadcall utility from the MACS2 Package. It is designed to call broad peaks (e.g., histone) from bedGraph datasets generated with MACS2.

Integration of MACS2 with Galaxy performed by Ziru Zhou and Bjoern Gruening.