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FROGS Clusters stat (version 3.1)
Clusters abundance (format: BIOM).

FROGS Clusters stat computes several metrics and generates a HTML file describing clusters based on abundances, samples, ...


Abundance file:

The abundance of each cluster in each sample (format BIOM).

The FROGS's tools working on clusters and others metagenomic workflows produce files in BIOM format.


Summary file (summary.html):

Clusters metrics (format HTML):

Clusters distribution : describes the sizes distribution of all clusters thank to boxplot and tables

/repository/static/images/ebf89eed93a25147/static%2Fimages%2Ffrogs_images%2FFROGS_cluster_stat_clusterDistrib1.png /repository/static/images/ebf89eed93a25147/static%2Fimages%2Ffrogs_images%2FFROGS_cluster_stat_clusterDistrib2.png

Sequences distributions : describes the sequences distribution among clusters


Samples distribution : describes clusters distribution among sample and give an hierarchical clustering on samples abundance profile (distance method = braycurtis, linkage method = average)

/repository/static/images/ebf89eed93a25147/static%2Fimages%2Ffrogs_images%2FFROGS_cluster_stat_sample_dist1.png /repository/static/images/ebf89eed93a25147/static%2Fimages%2Ffrogs_images%2FFROGS_cluster_stat_sample_dist2.png

This is a very usefull tool to see the evolution of your OTU. Do not hesitate to run this tool after each FROGS step beginning at the clustering step.



Repository: website:

Please cite the FROGS article: Escudie F., et al. Bioinformatics, 2018. FROGS: Find, Rapidly, OTUs with Galaxy Solution.