Galaxy | Tool Preview

FROGSSTAT Phyloseq Structure Visualisation (version 3.1)
This is the result of FROGS Phyloseq Import Data Tool.
These file is the result of FROGS Phyloseq Beta Diversity tool.
The experiment variable that you want to analyse.

Using phyloseq and customized R function, this tool constructs heatmap plot and ordination plot with the ordination methods to visualise data structure.


data file (format rdata): The informations of data in one phyloseq object. This file is the result of "FROGS Phyloseq Import Data tool".

distance file (format tabular): The data file containing beta diversity distance matrix. This file is the result of "FROGS Phyloseq Beta Diversity tool".


html file (format HTML):

The review of data structure with an ordination plot and with an heatmap plot:

/repository/static/images/ebf89eed93a25147/static%2Fimages%2Ffrogs_images%2Fphyloseq_plot_sample_ellipse.png /repository/static/images/ebf89eed93a25147/static%2Fimages%2Ffrogs_images%2Fphyloseq_plot_heatmap_red.png


Repository: website:

Please cite the FROGS article: Escudie F., et al. Bioinformatics, 2018. FROGS: Find, Rapidly, OTUs with Galaxy Solution.