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FROGS Remove chimera (version 3.1)
The sequences file (format: fasta).
Select the type of file where the abundance of each sequence by sample is stored.
It contains the count by sample for each sequence.

Remove chimeric sequences by sample.

Chimeras are sequences formed from two or more biological sequences joined together.

The majority of these anomalous sequences are formed from an incomplete extension during a PCR cycle. During subsequent cycles, a partially extended strand can bind to a template derived from a different but similar sequence.

This phenomena is particularly common in amplicon sequencing where closely related sequences are amplified.


Sequence file:

The sequences (format FASTA).

Abundance file:

The abundance of each cluster in each sample (format BIOM).


The abundance of each sequence in each sample (format TSV). This type of file is produced by FROGS pre-process.


#id        splA    splB
seq1       1289    2901
seq2       3415    0


Sequence file (non_chimera.fasta):

The sequence file with only non-chimera (format FASTA).

Abundance file (non_chimera.biom or non_chimera.tsv):

The abundance file with only non-chimera (format the same of the abundance input).

Summary file (report.html):

This file presents the number of removed elements (format HTML).
Steps Description
1 Split input data by sample (classicaly the PCR is realised by sample).
2 Find chimera in each sample (vsearch).
3 Remove the sequences identify as chimera in all samples where they are present.



Repository: website:

Please cite the FROGS article: Escudie F., et al. Bioinformatics, 2018. FROGS: Find, Rapidly, OTUs with Galaxy Solution.