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ConsensusID (version 2.8+galaxy0)
select consensusxml,featurexml,idxml data sets(s)
* PEPMatrix: Scoring based on posterior error probabilities (PEPs) and peptide sequence similarities (scored by a substitution matrix). Requires PEPs as scores.. * PEPIons: Scoring based on posterior error probabilities (PEPs) and fragment ion similarities ('shared peak count'). Requires PEPs as scores.. * best: For each peptide ID, use the best score of any search engine as the consensus score. Requires the same score type in all ID runs.. * worst: For each peptide ID, use the worst score of any search engine as the consensus score. Requires the same score type in all ID runs.. * average: For each peptide ID, use the average score of all search engines as the consensus. Requires the same score type in all ID runs.. * ranks: Calculates a consensus score based on the ranks of peptide IDs in the results of different search engines. The final score is in the range (0, 1], with 1 being the best score. No requirements about score types
Options for filtering peptide hits
Options for filtering peptide hits 0
PEPIons algorithm parameters
PEPIons algorithm parameters 0
PEPMatrices algorithm parameters
PEPMatrix algorithm parameters 0
Advanced Options
Advanced Options 0

Computes a consensus of peptide identifications of several identification engines.

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