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Codon_density (version 1.0.0)
Required even if no replicate
Required even if no replicate
Enter standard name, hex color string, or rgb code. You can find all colors here :
Enter standard name, hex color string, or rgb code. You can find all colors here :


This tool uses Ribo-seq (BAM file) to determine whether codon occupancy differs between two sets of conditions. For each footprint, the codons at the chosen site are recorded and a histogram displaying all the normalised codon numbers is plotted for both sets of conditions. A second histogram groups together all the codons corresponding to a given amino acid. A chi-squared test is then carried out to determine whether the distribution of the codons used is the same in both sets of conditions.


This tool provides an html file containing graphs and a statistical test result. An additional csv file with codon numbers is provided.


This tool depends on Python (>=2.7) and following packages : numpy 1.8.0, Biopython 1.58, scipy 0.12.0 and matplotlib 1.3.1. Samtools is used for bam manipulation.