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HyPhy-aBSREL (version 2.5.47+galaxy0)
If the input file type is NEXUS and it includes a valid newick tree, that tree will override an uploaded newick tree

aBSREL : Adaptive Branch-Site Random Effects Likelihood

What question does this method answer?

Is some proportion of sites is subject to positive selection along specific branches or lineages of a phylogeny?

Brief description

aBSREL (Adaptive branch-site random effects likelihood) uses an adaptive random effects branch-site model framework to test whether each branch has evolved under positive selection, using a procedure which infers an optimal number of rate categories per branch.


  1. A FASTA sequence alignment.
  2. A phylogenetic tree in the Newick format

Note: the names of sequences in the alignment must match the names of the sequences in the tree.


A JSON file with analysis results (

For each tested branch the analysis will infer the appropriate number of selective regimes, and whether or not there is statistical evidence of positive selection on that branch.

A custom visualization module for viewing these results is available (see for an example)

Tool options

--code              Which genetic code to use

--branches          Which branches should be tested for selection?
                        All [default] : test all branches

                        Internal : test only internal branches (suitable for
                        intra-host pathogen evolution for example, where terminal branches
                        may contain polymorphism data)

                        Leaves: test only terminal (leaf) branches

                        Unlabeled: if the Newick string is labeled using the {} notation,
                        test only branches without explicit labels