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ORFipy (version 0.0.4+galaxy1)
ORFs will be detected in this sequence
DNA, RNA, and Peptide options will produce FASTA outputs
Identify ORFs on which strand
No ORFs below this value will be reported. All ORFs will be reported if this parameter is not set. Default is 30
This value doesn't take in account the STOP codon. No ORFs over this value will be reported. Default is
A comma-separated list without spaces. Only ATCG and comma are allowed
A commma separated list without spaces. Only ATCG and comma are allowed
Ignore case and find ORFs in lower case sequences too. NO = do not ignore (use upper case only). YES = ignore
Output ORFs with a start codon but lacking an inframe stop codon. NO = do not output. YES = do output
Output ORFs with an inframe stop codon lacking an inframe start codon. NO = do not output. YES = do output
Output ORFs defined as regions between stop codons (regions free of stop codon). This will set --partial-3 and --partial-5 true
Output ORFs with an inframe stop codon lacking an inframe start codon. NO = do not include. YES = include

What it does

Orfipy is a tool for finding open reading frames (ORFs).


Galaxy interface of Orfipy supports the following parameters (the following is taken from the tool help):

--table TABLE         The codon table number to use or path to .json file
                      with codon table. Use --show-tables to see available
                      tables compiled from: Default: 1
--start START         Comma-separated list of start-codons. This will
                      override start codons described in translation table.
                      E.g. "--start ATG,ATT" Default: Derived from the
                      translation table selected
--stop STOP           Comma-separated list of stop codons. This will
                      override stop codons described in translation table.
                      E.g. "--start TAG,TTT" Default: Derived from the
                      translation table selected
--outdir OUTDIR       Path to outdir default: orfipy_<infasta>_out
--bed12 BED12         bed12 out file Default: None
--bed BED             bed out file Default: None
--dna DNA             fasta (DNA) out file Default: None
--rna RNA             fasta (RNA) out file Default: None
--pep PEP             fasta (peptide) out file Default: None
--min MIN             Minimum length of ORF, excluding stop codon
                      (nucleotide) Default: 30
--max MAX             Maximum length of ORF, excluding stop codon
                      (nucleotide) Default: 1,000,000,000
--strand {f,r,b}      Strands to find ORFs [(f)orward,(r)everse,(b)oth]
                      Default: b
--ignore-case         Ignore case and find ORFs in lower case sequences too.
                      Useful for soft-masked sequences. Default: False
--partial-3           Output ORFs with a start codon but lacking an inframe
                      stop codon. E.g. "ATG TTT AAA" Default: False
--partial-5           Output ORFs with an inframe stop codon lacking an
                      inframe start codon. E.g. "TTT AAA TAG" Default: False
--between-stops       Output ORFs defined as regions between stop codons
                      (regions free of stop codon). This will set
                      --partial-3 and --partial-5 true. Default: False
--include-stop        Include stop codon in the results, if a stop codon
                      exists. This output format is compatible with
                      TransDecoder's which includes stop codon coordinates
                      Default: False