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MSGFPlusAdapter (version 2.8+galaxy0)
select mgf,ms2,mzml,mzxml data sets(s)
Non-existing relative filenames are looked up via 'OpenMS.ini:id_db_dir' select fasta data sets(s)
Takes into account the error introduced by choosing a non-monoisotopic peak for fragmentation. Combined with 'precursor_mass_tolerance'/'precursor_error_units', this determines the actual precursor mass tolerance. E.g. for experimental mass 'exp' and calculated mass 'calc', '-precursor_mass_tolerance 20 -precursor_error_units ppm -isotope_error_range -1,2' tests '|exp - calc - n * 1.00335 Da| < 20 ppm' for n = -1, 0, 1, 2
Note: MS-GF+ does not support blocking rules. (MS-GF+ parameter '-e')
This is required by Percolator and hence by default enabled
If this value is large, the search may take very long
(default: -1 meaning unlimited)
More tasks than threads will reduce the memory requirements of the search, but will be slower (how much depends on the inputs).. 1 <= tasks <= numThreads: will create one task per thread, which is the original behavior.. tasks = 0: use default calculation - minimum of: (threads*3) and (numSpectra/250).. tasks < 0: multiply number of threads by abs(tasks) to determine number of tasks (i.e., -2 means "2 * numThreads" tasks).. One task per thread will use the most memory, but will usually finish the fastest.. 2-3 tasks per thread will use comparably less memory, but may cause the search to take 1.5 to 2 times as long
e.g. 'Carbamidomethyl (C)' or 'Oxidation (M)'
e.g. 'Carbamidomethyl (C)' or 'Oxidation (M)'
See documentation for examples. Parameters of the adapter take precedence. Use conf file only for settings not available here (for example, any fixed/var modifications, in the conf file will be ignored, since they are provided via -mod flag) select txt data sets(s)
Annotates target-decoy information
Advanced Options
Advanced Options 0

MS/MS database search using MS-GF+.

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