Previous changeset 8:3ca0f78f1102 (2015-12-15) |
Commit message:
Uploaded |
gandalfworkflow/ gandalfworkflow/ gandalfworkflow/repository_dependencies.xml |
removed: repository_dependencies.xml |
b |
diff -r 3ca0f78f1102 -r 1fbe965e22e2 --- a/ Tue Dec 15 05:38:37 2015 -0500 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 |
[ |
b'@@ -1,384 +0,0 @@\n-{\n- "a_galaxy_workflow": "true", \n- "annotation": "", \n- "format-version": "0.1", \n- "name": "workflow gandalf 1 set", \n- "steps": {\n- "0": {\n- "annotation": "", \n- "id": 0, \n- "input_connections": {}, \n- "inputs": [\n- {\n- "description": "", \n- "name": "Reference genome"\n- }\n- ], \n- "name": "Input dataset", \n- "outputs": [], \n- "position": {\n- "left": 128, \n- "top": 198\n- }, \n- "tool_errors": null, \n- "tool_id": null, \n- "tool_state": "{\\"name\\": \\"Reference genome\\"}", \n- "tool_version": null, \n- "type": "data_input", \n- "user_outputs": []\n- }, \n- "1": {\n- "annotation": "", \n- "id": 1, \n- "input_connections": {}, \n- "inputs": [\n- {\n- "description": "", \n- "name": "Genome reads forward "\n- }\n- ], \n- "name": "Input dataset", \n- "outputs": [], \n- "position": {\n- "left": 157, \n- "top": 295\n- }, \n- "tool_errors": null, \n- "tool_id": null, \n- "tool_state": "{\\"name\\": \\"Genome reads forward \\"}", \n- "tool_version": null, \n- "type": "data_input", \n- "user_outputs": []\n- }, \n- "2": {\n- "annotation": "", \n- "id": 2, \n- "input_connections": {}, \n- "inputs": [\n- {\n- "description": "", \n- "name": "Genome read Reverse"\n- }\n- ], \n- "name": "Input dataset", \n- "outputs": [], \n- "position": {\n- "left": 193, \n- "top": 394\n- }, \n- "tool_errors": null, \n- "tool_id": null, \n- "tool_state": "{\\"name\\": \\"Genome read Reverse\\"}", \n- "tool_version": null, \n- "type": "data_input", \n- "user_outputs": []\n- }, \n- "3": {\n- "annotation": "", \n- "id": 3, \n- "input_connections": {\n- "input_file": {\n- "id": 0, \n- "output_name": "output"\n- }\n- }, \n- "inputs": [], \n- "name": "mdust", \n- "outputs": [\n- {\n- "name": "output_masked_fasta", \n- "type": "fasta"\n- }, \n- {\n- "name": "output_tab", \n- "type": "tabular"\n- }, \n- {\n- "name": "output_bed", \n- "type": "bed"\n- }\n- ], \n- "position": {\n- "left": 571, \n- "top": 395\n- }, \n- "post_job_actions": {\n- 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b |
diff -r 3ca0f78f1102 -r 1fbe965e22e2 --- a/ Tue Dec 15 05:38:37 2015 -0500 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 |
[ |
b'@@ -1,933 +0,0 @@\n-{\n- "a_galaxy_workflow": "true", \n- "annotation": "", \n- "format-version": "0.1", \n- "name": "workflow gandalf 2 sets", \n- "steps": {\n- "0": {\n- "annotation": "", \n- "id": 0, \n- "input_connections": {}, \n- "inputs": [\n- {\n- "description": "", \n- "name": "Reference genome"\n- }\n- ], \n- "name": "Input dataset", \n- "outputs": [], \n- "position": {\n- "left": 248, \n- "top": 874\n- }, \n- "tool_errors": null, \n- "tool_id": null, \n- "tool_state": "{\\"name\\": \\"Reference genome\\"}", \n- "tool_version": null, \n- "type": "data_input", \n- "user_outputs": []\n- }, \n- "1": {\n- "annotation": "", \n- "id": 1, \n- "input_connections": {}, \n- "inputs": [\n- {\n- "description": "", \n- "name": "genome 1 reads forward"\n- }\n- ], \n- "name": "Input dataset", \n- "outputs": [], \n- "position": {\n- "left": 280, \n- "top": 979\n- }, \n- "tool_errors": null, \n- "tool_id": null, \n- "tool_state": "{\\"name\\": \\"genome 1 reads forward\\"}", \n- "tool_version": null, \n- "type": "data_input", \n- "user_outputs": []\n- }, \n- "2": {\n- "annotation": "", \n- "id": 2, \n- "input_connections": {}, \n- "inputs": [\n- {\n- "description": "", \n- "name": "genome 1 reads reverse"\n- }\n- ], \n- "name": "Input dataset", \n- "outputs": [], \n- "position": {\n- "left": 288, \n- "top": 1048\n- }, \n- "tool_errors": null, \n- "tool_id": null, \n- "tool_state": "{\\"name\\": \\"genome 1 reads reverse\\"}", \n- "tool_version": null, \n- "type": "data_input", \n- "user_outputs": []\n- }, \n- "3": {\n- "annotation": "", \n- "id": 3, \n- "input_connections": {}, \n- "inputs": [\n- {\n- "description": "", \n- "name": "genome 2 reads forward"\n- }\n- ], \n- "name": "Input dataset", \n- "outputs": [], \n- "position": {\n- "left": 346, \n- "top": 1206\n- }, \n- "tool_errors": null, \n- "tool_id": null, \n- "tool_state": "{\\"name\\": \\"genome 2 reads forward\\"}", \n- "tool_version": null, \n- "type": "data_input", \n- "user_outputs": []\n- }, \n- 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b |
diff -r 3ca0f78f1102 -r 1fbe965e22e2 gandalfworkflow/ --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/gandalfworkflow/ Fri Apr 08 12:17:38 2016 -0400 |
[ |
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b |
diff -r 3ca0f78f1102 -r 1fbe965e22e2 gandalfworkflow/ --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/gandalfworkflow/ Fri Apr 08 12:17:38 2016 -0400 |
[ |
b'@@ -0,0 +1,933 @@\n+{\n+ "a_galaxy_workflow": "true", \n+ "annotation": "", \n+ "format-version": "0.1", \n+ "name": "workflow gandalf 2 sets", \n+ "steps": {\n+ "0": {\n+ "annotation": "", \n+ "id": 0, \n+ "input_connections": {}, \n+ "inputs": [\n+ {\n+ "description": "", \n+ "name": "Reference genome"\n+ }\n+ ], \n+ "name": "Input dataset", \n+ "outputs": [], \n+ "position": {\n+ "left": 248, \n+ "top": 874\n+ }, \n+ "tool_errors": null, \n+ "tool_id": null, \n+ "tool_state": "{\\"name\\": \\"Reference genome\\"}", \n+ "tool_version": null, \n+ "type": "data_input", \n+ "user_outputs": []\n+ }, \n+ "1": {\n+ "annotation": "", \n+ "id": 1, \n+ "input_connections": {}, \n+ "inputs": [\n+ {\n+ "description": "", \n+ "name": "genome 1 reads forward"\n+ }\n+ ], \n+ "name": "Input dataset", \n+ "outputs": [], \n+ "position": {\n+ "left": 280, \n+ "top": 979\n+ }, \n+ "tool_errors": null, \n+ "tool_id": null, \n+ "tool_state": "{\\"name\\": \\"genome 1 reads forward\\"}", \n+ 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"output_name": "outputVCFStorage"\n+ }, \n+ "RenameDatasetActionoutputVCFStorage": {\n+ "action_arguments": {\n+ "newname": "#{inputFasta | basename}.matrix"\n+ }, \n+ "action_type": "RenameDatasetAction", \n+ "output_name": "outputVCFStorage"\n+ }\n+ }, \n+ "tool_errors": null, \n+ "tool_id": "", \n+ "tool_state": "{\\"__page__\\": 0, \\"chromInfo\\": \\"\\\\\\"/home/galaxy-dev/galaxy-dist/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len\\\\\\"\\", \\"__rerun_remap_job_id__\\": null, \\"VCFFile\\": \\"[{\\\\\\"strainName\\\\\\": \\\\\\"strain1\\\\\\", \\\\\\"__index__\\\\\\": 0, \\\\\\"inputStrainVCF\\\\\\": null}, {\\\\\\"strainName\\\\\\": \\\\\\"strain2\\\\\\", \\\\\\"__index__\\\\\\": 1, \\\\\\"inputStrainVCF\\\\\\": null}]\\", \\"inputFasta\\": \\"null\\"}", \n+ "tool_version": "0.01", \n+ "type": "tool", \n+ "user_outputs": []\n+ }, \n+ "19": {\n+ "annotation": "", \n+ "id": 19, \n+ "input_connections": {\n+ "inputTabular": {\n+ "id": 18, \n+ "output_name": "outputVCFStorage"\n+ }\n+ }, \n+ "inputs": [], \n+ "name": "VCFCarto", \n+ "outputs": [\n+ {\n+ "name": "outputVCFCarto", \n+ "type": "tabular"\n+ }, \n+ {\n+ "name": "output_html", \n+ "type": "html"\n+ }, \n+ {\n+ "name": "output_bed", \n+ "type": "bed"\n+ }\n+ ], \n+ "position": {\n+ "left": 2618, \n+ "top": 593\n+ }, \n+ "post_job_actions": {\n+ "HideDatasetActionoutput_bed": {\n+ "action_arguments": {}, \n+ "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", \n+ "output_name": "output_bed"\n+ }, \n+ "HideDatasetActionoutput_html": {\n+ "action_arguments": {}, \n+ "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", \n+ "output_name": "output_html"\n+ }, \n+ "RenameDatasetActionoutputVCFCarto": {\n+ "action_arguments": {\n+ "newname": "#{inputTabular | basename}.red"\n+ }, \n+ "action_type": "RenameDatasetAction", \n+ "output_name": "outputVCFCarto"\n+ }\n+ }, \n+ "tool_errors": null, \n+ "tool_id": "", \n+ "tool_state": "{\\"__page__\\": 0, \\"parentA\\": \\"\\\\\\"strain1\\\\\\"\\", \\"__rerun_remap_job_id__\\": null, \\"outputType\\": 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b |
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b |
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b |
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b |
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