Next changeset 1:bb0ac51f1b02 (2013-02-18) |
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added: pileup_to_vcf.xml test-data/test.pileup |
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diff -r 000000000000 -r 3890f8ba0e4d --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/ Mon Feb 18 11:32:50 2013 -0500 |
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b'@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@\n+#!/usr/bin/env python\n+"""\n+#\n+#------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n+# University of Minnesota\n+# Copyright 2012, Regents of the University of Minnesota\n+#------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n+# Author:\n+#\n+# James E Johnson\n+# Jesse Erdmann\n+#\n+#------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n+"""\n+\n+"""\n+Generate a VCF file from a samtools pileup\n+filtering on read coverage, base call quality, and allele frequency\n+\n+Pileup Format\n+\n+Columns:\n+chromosome, 1-based coordinate, reference base, the number of reads covering the site, read bases, base qualities\n+\n+VCF Format\n+\n+The header line names the 8 fixed, mandatory columns. These columns are as follows:\n+CHROM POS ID REF ALT QUAL FILTER INFO\n+"""\n+\n+import sys,re,os.path\n+import optparse\n+from optparse import OptionParser\n+\n+vcf_header = """\\\n+##fileformat=VCFv4.0\n+##source=pileup_to_vcf.pyV1.0\n+##INFO=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description=\\"Total Depth\\">\n+##INFO=<ID=$SAF_header,Number=.,Type=Float,Description=\\"Specific Allele Frequency\\">\n+##FILTER=<ID=DP,Description=\\"Minimum depth of %s\\">\n+##FILTER=<ID=$SAF_header,Description=\\"Allele frequency of at least %s with base quality minimum %d\\">\n+#CHROM\tPOS\tID\tREF\tALT\tQUAL\tFILTER\tINFO\\\n+"""\n+\n+def __main__():\n+ #Parse Command Line\n+ parser = optparse.OptionParser()\n+ # files\n+ parser.add_option( \'-i\', \'--input\', dest=\'input\', help=\'The input pileup file (else read from stdin)\' )\n+ parser.add_option( \'-o\', \'--output\', dest=\'output\', help=\'The output vcf file (else write to stdout)\' )\n+ # filters\n+ parser.add_option( \'-c\', \'--min_coverage\', type=\'int\', default=\'0\', dest=\'min_coverage\', help=\'The minimum read coverage depth to report a variant [default 0]\' )\n+ parser.add_option( \'-r\', \'--report_depth\', type=\'choice\', choices=[\'all\',\'ref\',\'qual\'], default=\'ref\', dest=\'report_depth\', help=\'Coverage depth as: ref - reads covercovering base, all - reads spanning base, qual - reads with base call above min_base_quality\' )\n+ parser.add_option( \'-b\', \'--min_base_quality\', type=\'int\', default=\'0\', dest=\'min_base_quality\', help=\'The minimum base quality for a base call to be counted\' )\n+ parser.add_option( \'-f\', \'--min_allele_freq\', type=\'float\', default=\'.5\', dest=\'min_allele_freq\', help=\'The minimum frequency of an allele for it to be reported (default .5)\' )\n+ parser.add_option( \'-m\', \'--allow_multiples\', action="store_true", dest=\'allow_multiples\', default=False, help=\'Allow multiple alleles to be reported\' )\n+ parser.add_option( \'-s\', \'--snps_only\', action="store_true", dest=\'snps_only\', default=False, help=\'Only report SNPs, not indels\' )\n+ # select columns\n+ parser.add_option( \'-C\', \'--chrom_col\', type=\'int\', default=\'1\', dest=\'chrom_col\', help=\'The ordinal position (starting with 1) of the chromosome column\' )\n+ parser.add_option( \'-P\', \'--pos_col\', type=\'int\', default=\'2\', dest=\'pos_col\', help=\'The ordinal position (starting with 1) of the position column\' )\n+ parser.add_option( \'-R\', \'--ref_col\', type=\'int\', default=\'3\', dest=\'ref_col\', help=\'The ordinal position (starting with 1) of the reference base column\' )\n+ parser.add_option( \'-D\', \'--coverage_col\', type=\'int\', default=\'4\', dest=\'coverage_col\', help=\'The ordinal position (starting with 1) of the read coverage depth column\' )\n+ parser.add_option( \'-B\', \'--base_call_col\', type=\'int\', default=\'5\', dest=\'base_call_col\', help=\'The ordinal position (starting with 1) of the base call column\' )\n+ parser.add_option( \'-Q\', \'--base_qual_col\', type=\'int\', default=\'6\', dest=\'base_qual_col\', help=\'The ordinal position (starting with 1) of the base quality column\' )\n+ # debug\n+ parser.add_option( \'-d\', \'--debug\', action="store_true", dest=\'debug\', de'..b'f qual >= min_base_quality:\n+ qdp += 1\n+ elif base in \'ACGTNacgtn\' : # SNP on forward/reverse strand\n+ rdp += 1\n+ qual = ord(quals[qi]) -33\n+ qi += 1\n+ # record snp variant\n+ if qual >= min_base_quality:\n+ qdp += 1\n+ snps[base.upper()] += 1\n+ elif base in \'+-\' : # indel \n+ rdp += 1\n+ qdp += 1 # no related quality score, so count it\n+ m = re.match(indel_len_pattern,bases[bi:]) \n+ indel_len_str = # get the indel len string\n+ bi += len(indel_len_str) # increment the index by the len of the len string\n+ indel_len = int(indel_len_str)\n+ indel = bases[bi:bi+indel_len].upper() # get the indel bases\n+ bi += indel_len # increment the index by the len of the indel \n+ if base == \'+\':\n+ # record insertion variant\n+ if indel in insertions: \n+ insertions[indel] += 1\n+ else:\n+ insertions[indel] = 1\n+ elif base == \'-\': \n+ # record deletion variant\n+ max_deletion = max(indel_len,max_deletion)\n+ if indel in deletions: \n+ deletions[indel] += 1\n+ else:\n+ deletions[indel] = 1\n+ elif base == \'^\' : #start of read (followed by read quality char)\n+ read_mapping_qual = ord(bases[bi]) - 33 \n+ bi += 1\n+ elif base == \'$\' : #end of read\n+ pass # no associated quality in either bases or quals\n+ dp = rdp if dp_as == \'ref\' else qdp if dp_as == \'qual\' else adp\n+ if debug: print >> sys.stderr, "snps: %s\\tins: %s\\tdel: %s" % (snps,insertions,deletions)\n+ # output any variants that meet the depth coverage requirement\n+ vcf_pos = pos\n+ vcf_ref = ref\n+ suffix = \'\'\n+ alts = []\n+ safs = []\n+ # If we have any deletions to report, need to modify the ref string\n+ if debug: print >> sys.stderr, "max deletions: %s" % deletions\n+ if report_indels:\n+ for k,v in deletions.items():\n+ saf = v/float(dp)\n+ if saf >= min_allele_freq:\n+ if len(k) > len(suffix):\n+ suffix = k\n+ vcf_ref = (ref + suffix).upper()\n+ if debug: print >> sys.stderr, "snps: %s" % snps\n+ for k,v in snps.items():\n+ if debug: print >> sys.stderr, "snp: %s %d" % (k,v)\n+ saf = v/float(dp)\n+ if saf >= min_allele_freq:\n+ alts.append(k + suffix)\n+ safs.append(saf)\n+ if debug: print >> sys.stderr, "insertions: %s" % insertions\n+ if report_indels:\n+ for k,v in insertions.items():\n+ saf = v/float(dp)\n+ if saf >= min_allele_freq:\n+ alts.append(ref + k + suffix)\n+ safs.append(saf)\n+ if debug: print >> sys.stderr, "deletions: %s" % deletions\n+ for k,v in deletions.items():\n+ saf = v/float(dp)\n+ if saf >= min_allele_freq:\n+ alts.append(vcf_ref[:len(vcf_ref) - len(k)]) # TODO alt will be a substring of vcf_ref, test this\n+ safs.append(saf)\n+ if len(alts) > 0:\n+ vcf_id = "."\n+ vcf_qual = "." \n+ vcf_filter = "PASS"\n+ # if not allow_multiples, report only the most freq alt\n+ if not allow_multiples and len(alts) > 1:\n+ max_saf = max(safs)\n+ for i,v in enumerate(safs):\n+ if v == max_saf:\n+ vcf_alt = alts[i]\n+ info = "SAF=%f;DP=%d" % (max_saf,dp)\n+ # if allow_multiples\n+ else:\n+ vcf_alt = \',\'.join(alts)\n+ isafs = []\n+ for saf in safs:\n+ isafs.append("SAF=%f" % saf)\n+ info = "%s;DP=%d" % (\',\'.join(isafs),dp)\n+ print >> outputFile,"%s\\t%d\\t%s\\t%s\\t%s\\t%s\\t%s\\t%s" % (chrom,vcf_pos,vcf_id,vcf_ref,vcf_alt,vcf_qual,vcf_filter,info)\n+ except Exception, e:\n+ print >> sys.stderr, "failed: %s" % e\n+ exit(1)\n+\n+if __name__ == "__main__": __main__()\n+\n' |
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diff -r 000000000000 -r 3890f8ba0e4d pileup_to_vcf.xml --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/pileup_to_vcf.xml Mon Feb 18 11:32:50 2013 -0500 |
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@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +<tool id="pileup_to_vcf" name="Pileup to VCF" version="2.0"> + <description>Converts a pileup to VCF with filtering</description> + <command interpreter="python"> -i $input_file -o $output_file + #if $min_cvrg.__str__ != '': + --min_coverage $min_cvrg + #end if + #if $min_base_qual.__str__ != '': + --min_base_qual $min_base_qual + #end if + #if $min_var_pct.__str__ != '': + --min_allele_freq $min_var_pct + #end if + #if $depth_as.__str__ != 'None': + --report_depth $depth_as + #end if + $allow_multiples + $snps_only + #if $cols.select_order == 'yes' : + #if $chrom_col.__str__ != '': + --chrom_col $chrom_col + #end if + #if $pos_col.__str__ != '': + --pos_col $pos_col + #end if + #if $ref_col.__str__ != '': + --ref_col $ref_col + #end if + #if $cvrg_col.__str__ != '': + --coverage_col $cvrg_col + #end if + #if $base_call_col.__str__ != '': + --base_call_col $base_call_col + #end if + #if $base_qual_col.__str__ != '': + --base_qual_col $base_qual_col + #end if + #end if + </command> + <inputs> + <param name="input_file" type="data" format="pileup,tabular" label="Source File" optional="false"/> + <conditional name="cols"> + <param name="select_order" type="select" label="Set column positions for non-standard pileup"> + <option value="no" selected="true">Use the default pileup columns</option> + <option value="yes">Select the column position that represents each pileup column</option> + </param> + <when value="no"/> + <when value="yes"> + <param name="chrom_col" type="data_column" data_ref="input_file" label="Chromosome Column"/> + <param name="pos_col" type="data_column" data_ref="input_file" label="Position Column"/> + <param name="ref_col" type="data_column" data_ref="input_file" label="Reference Base Column"/> + <param name="cvrg_col" type="data_column" data_ref="input_file" label="Depth Column"/> + <param name="base_call_col" type="data_column" data_ref="input_file" label="Base Call Column"/> + <param name="base_qual_col" type="data_column" data_ref="input_file" label="Base Quality Column"/> + </when> + </conditional> + <param name="min_base_qual" type="integer" label="Minimum Base Quality" optional="true" value="20" help="Don't consider a read if the base call quality is below this threshold"/> + <param name="min_cvrg" type="integer" label="Minimum Coverage Depth" optional="true" value="5" help="Any position below the threshold will be omitted from the resulting VCF"/> + <param name="min_var_pct" type="float" label="Minimum Frequency of a Specific Allele" option="true" value="0.5" help="If an allele does not meet the minimum frequency it will be omitted from the resulting VCF."/> + <param name="allow_multiples" type="boolean" truevalue="-m" falsevalue="" chacked="true" label="Allow Multiple Alleles for a Position?" + help="Multiple alleles may be output in the VCF if the allowable frequency is below 0.5, otherwise only one will be reported"/> + <param name="snps_only" type="boolean" truevalue="-s" falsevalue="" chacked="false" label="Only report SNPs, not indels" /> + <param name="depth_as" type="select" label="Report DP and SAF with read coverage of" help="The reported read voverage depth: DP, and the calculation of specific allele frequency (SAF) of variants"> + <option value="ref" selected="true">Reads at this position</option> + <option value="qual">Reads at this position taht pass the base call quality threshold</option> + <option value="all"></option> + </param> + </inputs> + <outputs> + <data format="vcf" metadata_source="input_file" name="output_file" /> + </outputs> + <stdio> + <exit_code range="1:" level="fatal" description="Bad input dataset" /> + </stdio> + <tests> + <test> + <param name="input_file" ftype="pileup" value="test.pileup" /> + <param name="select_order" value="no"/> + <param name="min_base_qual" value="0"/> + <param name="min_cvrg" value="0"/> + <param name="min_var_pct" value=".1"/> + <param name="allow_multiples" value="True"/> + <param name="snps_only" value="False"/> + <param name="depth_as" value="ref"/> + <output name="output_file"> + <assert_contents> + <has_text_matching expression="seq2\t156\t.\tA\tG,AAG\t.\tPASS\t.*" /> + <has_text_matching expression="chr1\t158571283\t.\tA\tC,T\t.\tPASS\t.*" /> + </assert_contents> + </output> + </test> + <test> + <param name="input_file" ftype="pileup" value="test.pileup" /> + <param name="select_order" value="no"/> + <param name="min_base_qual" value="20"/> + <param name="min_cvrg" value="5"/> + <param name="min_var_pct" value=".1"/> + <param name="allow_multiples" value="True"/> + <param name="snps_only" value="False"/> + <param name="depth_as" value="ref"/> + <output name="output_file"> + <assert_contents> + <has_text_matching expression="seq2\t156\t.\tA\tG,AAG\t.\tPASS\t.*" /> + <has_text_matching expression="chr1\t158571283\t.\tA\tC\t.\tPASS\t.*" /> + </assert_contents> + </output> + </test> + + </tests> + <help> + Pileup to VCF converts the output of a pileup tool to a VCF representing any alleles that surpass a user specified frequency, optionally presenting multiple alleles for a given position if the allele frequency is set below 0.5. This tool assumes that any filtering for base call quality and mapping quality has been done in previous processing. + </help> +</tool> |
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diff -r 000000000000 -r 3890f8ba0e4d test-data/test.pileup --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/test-data/test.pileup Mon Feb 18 11:32:50 2013 -0500 |
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +seq1 272 T 24 ,.$.....,,.,.,...,,,.,..^+. <<<+;<<<<<<<<<<<=<;<;7<& +seq1 273 T 23 ,.....,,.,.,...,,,.,..A <<<;<<<<<<<<<3<=<<<;<<+ +seq1 274 T 23 ,.$....,,.,.,...,,,.,... 7<7;<;<<<<<<<<<=<;<;<<6 +seq1 275 A 23 ,$....,,.,.,...,,,.,...^l. <+;9*<<<<<<<<<=<<:;<<<< +seq1 276 G 22 ...T,,.,.,...,,,.,.... 33;+<<7=7<<7<&<<1;<<6< +seq1 277 T 22 ....,,.,.,.C.,,,.,..G. +7<;<<<<<<<&<=<<:;<<&< +seq1 278 G 23 ....,,.,.,...,,,.,....^k. %38*<<;<7<<7<=<<<;<<<<< +seq1 279 C 23 A..T,,.,.,...,,,.,..... ;75&<<<<<<<<<=<<<9<<:<< +seq2 156 A 11 .$......+2AG.+2AG.+2AGGG <975;:<<<<< +seq3 200 A 20 ,,,,,..,.-4CACC.-4CACC....,.,,.^~. ==<<<<<<<<<<<::<;2<< +chr1 95935183 G 34 .,.,,,+1c,+1c.+1C,+1c,+1c.+1C.+1C.+1C,+1c.+1C,+1c,+1c.+1C,+1c,+1c.+1C,+1c.+1C.+1C,+1c,+1c,+1c.+1C.+1C.+1C.+1C.+1C^~c^~c IFEGIHIBIIIBAGIDI@IHCIIGHIHHEIIG!! +chr1 158571283 A 8 <,.c.c^~t^~c GIC#I#'! +chr6 125070485 C 216 <><<>>>>>>><<>>>><<<><<<<<>>>>><>>>>>><>>>>>>><><><>><><><>><>><<><<<>>>><<<>>>><<>>>><<<<<<<<<<<><<<<<<<><><<<<<><<<>><<<<<<<<>>>><<<<<<><><>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<>><<<<>><><>>>>><>...,,,,,,,GGGGGGggggggGGGGggggggggg^~G^~g^~g^~g^~g IHHH:GFDH<H@IHCEIIIIHIIIDI#EACGGIEHB#HDHEBHGGDI?BHIEIIIGHBHIEDIIHHHIGHFIIDI<IIIIEEIIIIGAHIHEGGIBHBIHE;@CFIBHGGCDBGDGGGIIDC@GEAGDIHIIEEHBIIGIEGHIHHIHHHH2@G#>EBHICD@#GHHHFI9HII#I##AIIIE5@G!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!$$!!$!$!#!!! |