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Changeset 2:3d14d6a4ef7c (2023-12-02)
Previous changeset 1:248b03f124dd (2023-11-17) Next changeset 3:409d9329d2be (2023-12-04)
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planemo upload for repository commit ea09df299078ff13beda210b36b7edaa6a79c099
diff -r 248b03f124dd -r 3d14d6a4ef7c geo_cov_temp.R
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/geo_cov_temp.R Sat Dec 02 01:49:48 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#Seguineau Pauline
+#Make geographic coverage template
+#Load packages
+#Load arguments
+args = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
+  data_table <- args[1]
+  tablename <- args[2]
+  lat_col <- as.numeric(args[3])
+  long_col <- as.numeric(args[4])
+  site_col <- as.numeric(args[5])
+  empty <- args[6]
+datatable = read.table(data_table,header=T)
+latcol = names(datatable[lat_col])
+longcol = names(datatable[long_col])
+sitecol = names(datatable[site_col])
+if (empty == "false"){
+   empty = FALSE
+}else if (empty=="true"){
+   empty=TRUE}
+#Make template
+template_geographic_coverage(path =".", data.path = "data_files", data.table = tablename, lat.col = latcol, lon.col = longcol, site.col = sitecol, empty = empty)
diff -r 248b03f124dd -r 3d14d6a4ef7c table_templates.R
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/table_templates.R Sat Dec 02 01:49:48 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#28/11/2023 #SEGUINEAU Pauline 
+#Load packages
+#Load arguments
+if (length(commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)) > 0) {
+    data_table <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)[1]
+#Transform arguments
+table =  strsplit(data_table," ")
+#Make templates to describe data tables : Describes columns of a data table (classes, units, datetime formats, missing value codes) + catégorical variables.
+template_table_attributes(path = ".",data.path= "data_files", data.table = table[[1]])
+template_categorical_variables(path = ".", data.path = "data_files")
diff -r 248b03f124dd -r 3d14d6a4ef7c taxo_cov_template.R
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/taxo_cov_template.R Sat Dec 02 01:49:48 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+#Seguineau Pauline
+#Make taxonomic coverage template
+#Load packages
+#Load arguments
+args = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
+  data_taxa <- args[1]
+  taxa_table <- args[2]
+  taxa_col <- as.numeric(args[3])
+  taxa_name_type <- args[4]
+  authority <- as.numeric(args[5])
+  authority2 <- as.numeric(args[6])
+  authority3 <- as.numeric(args[7])
+  empty <- args[8]
+#transfom arguments
+taxatable = read.table(data_taxa,header=T,sep="\t")
+taxacol = names(taxatable[taxa_col])
+if (authority2 == 0 && authority3==0){
+   authority_f = authority}
+if(authority2 == 0 && authority3 != 0){
+   authority_f = c(authority,authority3)}
+if (authority2 !=0 && authority3==0){
+   authority_f = c(authority,authority2)}
+if (authority3 !=0 && authority2 !=0){
+   authority_f = c(authority,authority2,authority3)}
+if (empty == "false"){
+   empty = FALSE
+}else if (empty=="true"){
+   empty=TRUE}
+#Make template
+template_taxonomic_coverage(path =".", data.path = "data_files", taxa.table = taxa_table, taxa.col = taxacol, = taxa_name_type , taxa.authority = authority_f, empty = empty)
diff -r 248b03f124dd -r 3d14d6a4ef7c templates1.R
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/templates1.R Sat Dec 02 01:49:48 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#22/11/2023 #SEGUINEAU Pauline 
+###First tool of EML Workflow
+#Load packages
+#Load arguments
+args = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
+  license <- args[1]
+  file_type <- args[2]
+#Make templates to describe core features of a data package (abstract, methods, keywords, personnel, license). 
+template_core_metadata(path=".",license = license, file.type = file_type)
diff -r 248b03f124dd -r 3d14d6a4ef7c test-data/datafile_1.tsv
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/datafile_1.tsv Sat Dec 02 01:49:48 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+Id density_boats distance_coast percentage_turbidity nb_individual recorder min_t max_wind
+ID1 0 7.083851986 1 1 13740 9 13
+ID2 0 5.057419245 1 1 3760 11.7 15
+ID3 0 14.81271925 1 1 17598 9 13
+ID4 23.38130966 17.39474876 0 1 17607 12.8 24
+ID5 0 13.8788222 1 1 17608 14.3 17
+ID6 0 20.55593297 1 1 13733 20 17
+ID7 0 5.228906117 1 1 10250 14.3 30
+ID8 0 8.18336163 0.963336783 2 13740 11.7 15
+ID9 0 14.77478497 1 1 13733 11.7 15
+ID10 0 18.23789045 1 1 17573 9 13
+ID11 0 30.97770737 0.934057759 2 17608 8.1 13
+ID12 0 14.72135785 0 2 13733 8.1 13
+ID13 0 26.97792869 1 1 17578 8.1 13
+ID14 0 8.63834361 1 1 17329 11.7 15
+ID15 23.42372625 2.371250707 0.611485317 2 17232 14.3 30
+ID16 0 2.058590657 1 1 NA 11.7 15
+ID17 0 14.5557442 1 1 11693 14.3 17
+ID18 0 15.31628381 0.484376584 2 10250 14.2 9
+ID19 22.68310089 18.12266606 1 1 13733 16.9 13
+ID20 0 10.71630644 0.946424061 2 17608 NA NA
+ID21 0 7.492501839 1 1 17608 14.3 30
+ID22 0 2.455167732 1 1 17578 8.1 13
+ID23 0 0.215005092 0.619357094 2 17608 13.3 0
+ID24 0 20.5942275 0.530977409 2 17573 12.8 24
+ID25 0 0.00565931 1 1 10250 9 13
+ID26 0 4.61669024 1 1 3760 8.1 13
+ID27 0 0.650746944 1 1 13289 NA NA
+ID28 11.55094443 4.256523462 0.534748923 2 17608 17.4 15
+ID29 25.29249263 0.333785924 0 3 11693 16.9 13
+ID30 5.659985665 3.927116342 1 1 17578 16.9 13
+ID31 0 0.011314137 0 2 13740 20 17
+ID32 0 6.724401426 0.262229612 3 17578 8.5 7
+ID33 0 10.20546782 0.456408314 2 13676 17.8 13
+ID34 0 0.005662514 1 1 13289 9 13
+ID35 0 12.50424544 1 1 13733 13.3 0
+ID36 41.24173899 0.028288543 0 2 17607 NA NA
+ID37 0 0.707453733 0 2 13733 17.8 13
+ID38 7.278017273 8.411585021 0.521433594 2 17601 17.4 15
+ID39 26.46665163 3.174693 1 1 17598 11.7 15
+ID40 21.65723654 8.846001472 0.672489759 2 17232 9 13
+ID41 0 7.296088753 0.033790965 2 17601 9 13
+ID42 0 0.848848396 0 3 17608 17.4 14
+ID43 0 17.47693701 1 1 NA 8.1 13
+ID44 0 8.040770102 1 1 17329 8.1 13
+ID45 0 9.227200724 1 1 17607 8.1 13
+ID46 0 4.089829166 0 1 17607 17.4 15
+ID47 16.24258106 12.9081546 0.519677866 2 17232 14.3 17
+ID48 0 28.17682685 0 3 13733 14.2 9
+ID49 0 11.13752122 0.568145458 2 17329 12.8 24
+ID50 0 12.15482119 0.744442086 2 13676 17.4 14
+ID51 0 1.075147125 0.126547756 2 17329 17.8 13
+ID52 0 0.639429606 0.318501019 3 17573 17.8 13
+ID53 0 11.34563151 1 1 13289 9 13
+ID54 0 6.070721358 1 1 11693 8.1 13
+ID55 0 2.534940304 1 1 3760 NA NA
+ID56 0 0 1 1 17608 14.9 13
+ID57 23.6734518 9.73526417 1 1 13733 14.9 13
+ID58 22.77461434 2.30834512 0 2 3760 17.4 15
+ID59 0 9.034849513 1 1 NA 14.3 30
+ID60 0 1.61299451 1 1 17598 8.1 13
+ID61 0 1.550212164 1 1 17601 8.1 13
+ID62 16.6417688 0.198064626 1 1 13676 13.3 0
+ID63 0 0.147167035 0.503759276 2 13740 14.9 13
+ID64 0 1.126075147 1 1 17329 14.2 9
+ID65 0 1.166213768 0.486555056 2 10250 17.4 14
+ID66 0 37.17890687 0.241246715 3 11693 12.3 11
+ID67 0 1.01318843 1 1 NA 11.7 15
+ID68 0 14.97426034 0.513275979 3 17578 8.5 7
+ID69 0 0.050933786 1 1 10250 13.3 0
+ID70 0 1.60733488 1 1 11693 13.3 0
+ID71 0 0.15274085 0.616607437 2 11693 14.9 13
+ID72 0 4.745186863 0.427826338 3 17578 14.9 13
+ID73 0 0.005658029 1 1 13289 17.4 15
+ID74 20.10097018 1.120479882 1 1 17329 9 13
+ID75 0 1.833512535 1 1 11693 9 13
+ID76 0 1.964892412 1 1 3760 14.9 13
+ID77 0 1.024508972 1 1 17598 13.3 0
+ID78 13.02008677 2.446206116 0 2 17601 17.8 13
+ID79 0 5.849408836 0.506514891 2 17601 12.3 11
+ID80 0 0.82602546 1 1 17607 20 17
+ID81 0 6.632335465 1 1 13733 17.8 13
+ID82 9.774097667 2.083923212 0.147137616 2 17329 17.4 14
+ID83 0 0.843046283 1 1 17598 11.7 15
+ID84 0 17.16743054 1 1 3760 9 13
+ID85 0 2.347816248 1 1 17607 13.3 0
+ID86 0 2.089467724 1 1 17608 8.1 13
+ID87 14.70497236 1.782279054 1 1 17329 8.1 13
+ID88 0 1.828267391 1 1 10250 8.1 13
+ID89 19.54258479 2.829334541 1 1 3760 14.3 30
+ID90 22.89867383 0.50376408 1 1 17573 14.3 30
+ID91 0 7.486419194 1 1 13676 14.2 9
+ID92 0 4.612337295 1 1 17601 11.7 15
+ID93 0 20.34521788 1 1 17232 11.7 15
+ID94 0 13.69731259 0.558754442 2 13289 14.3 17
+ID95 0 0.481041313 0.601822162 2 17607 14.3 17
+ID96 0 19.55721647 0.856473518 3 17232 16.9 13
+ID97 0 9.467489106 1 1 10250 17.4 15
+ID98 0 22.78746039 0.460271388 3 11693 14.3 30
+ID99 0 8.380520951 0.769578171 2 17607 9 13
+ID100 32.43763517 0.486507892 0.297384797 4 17573 12.3 11
+ID101 39.87341993 18.47598574 0.377696294 3 17329 NA NA
+ID102 0 1.482655198 0.420523151 2 17598 NA NA
+ID103 0 1.188455008 1 1 13289 8.1 13
+ID104 0 2.981949867 1 1 17232 13.3 0
+ID105 6.048310547 0.06224536 1 1 17578 17.4 14
+ID106 0 0.067957866 1 1 17232 17.4 14
+ID107 0 0.305516266 0 1 17598 17.4 14
+ID108 0 1.375212224 0.512278187 2 17601 20 17
+ID109 23.18323585 0.045282164 0.355925541 2 13676 17.4 14
+ID110 0 0 0.599181014 2 17232 13.3 0
+ID111 0 0.050922259 1 1 17329 14.9 13
+ID112 0 0.763920326 1 1 13740 13.3 0
diff -r 248b03f124dd -r 3d14d6a4ef7c test-data/geographic_coverage.txt
--- a/test-data/geographic_coverage.txt Fri Nov 17 17:07:45 2023 +0000
+++ b/test-data/geographic_coverage.txt Sat Dec 02 01:49:48 2023 +0000
@@ -1,2 +1,5 @@
 geographicDescription northBoundingCoordinate southBoundingCoordinate eastBoundingCoordinate westBoundingCoordinate
-Yvelines - Essonne - Seine et Marne 49.08428 48.12266 3.56409 1.60296
+1 -65.999946 -65.999946 142.3360535 142.3360535
+2 -66.394359 -66.394359 140.4840125 140.4840125
+3 -66.023545 -66.023545 142.745584 142.745584
+4 -66.3379125 -66.3379125 144.011634 144.011634
diff -r 248b03f124dd -r 3d14d6a4ef7c test-data/taxa.tsv
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/taxa.tsv Sat Dec 02 01:49:48 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+taxa site
+Achelia_sp 1
+Achelia_spicata 2
+Achelia_suflata 2
+Ammothea_adunca 3
diff -r 248b03f124dd -r 3d14d6a4ef7c test-data/taxonomic_coverage.txt
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/taxonomic_coverage.txt Sat Dec 02 01:49:48 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+name name_type name_resolved authority_system authority_id
+Achelia_sp scientific Achelia GBIF Backbone Taxonomy 2118396
+Achelia_spicata scientific Achelia spicata GBIF Backbone Taxonomy 4338694
+Achelia_suflata scientific Achelia suflata GBIF Backbone Taxonomy NA
+Ammothea_adunca scientific Ammothea adunca GBIF Backbone Taxonomy 5720487
diff -r 248b03f124dd -r 3d14d6a4ef7c test-data/test-geocov.tabular
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/test-geocov.tabular Sat Dec 02 01:49:48 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+site lat long
+1 -65.999946 142.3360535
+2 -66.394359 140.4840125
+3 -66.023545 142.745584
+4 -66.3379125 144.011634